John Sheridan

I don't like bullies and if you want to take down a bully you've got to pack a mighty big punch. They chose this, not me.

Mr Kaiser if your superiors require that you follow the chain of command and terminate your standing orders on reviews you just let me have a talk with them. I've been known to be quite uniquely persuasive and if that fails and I can always let Mr Garibaldi loose. He's been particularly cranky recently.

Well we'll get to the whole business of tick and tock in the fullness of time.

You'd be scared if you were on the homeworld of the most powerful beings you'd ever seen and were planning on nuking them straight to hell!

@avclub-9ef2b3a0cbd8bc049616e0855bff05fb:disqus I didn't know you were so eager to return to your cell.

@avclub-cd4e651a08c8504d50cc18e7fa79264c:disqus I've been married several times you know.

I know from my time with the Dali Lama that those who are looked upon by people as the source of their answers are going to be tempted by religion. I… I never wanted that. Yes, I had a sense of what was right and wrong and was willing to fight for it but I believed in the plurality of B5. Any soldier who wants to

The Centari are an interesting people. More than willing to lie to us about their origins when it suited them, more than willing to strike military accords with us when it suited them.  But I cannot agree with you on Londo. The day I saw him in the council room demanding G'Kar leave was the day I saw him as a man I

The song applies as much to you Mr Morden as to Lord Refa - although I did not know him at all. There will be no hiding place when justice comes to call. Much like there's no hiding from a 500 megaton nuclear warhead.

Glad to have you aboard. In this hour we cannot retreat, we cannot surrender. You may fear what is ahead but I guarantee that in years to come we will be remembered.

I didn't know what was going on in the Centari world at that time but boy am I glad I was at that service. Even Brother Theo, as difficult as he could be, was happy to join in the singing. I had no idea about the events unfolding at the same time. All I could think was how glad I was that Delenn seemed to be enjoying

It's all a game to you people? By god I've heard some things in my time but I will not let this stand. We stand on the cusp people. At this point you must choose. We may fall, we may suffer, but by god we will not be forgotten! We've few victories in this war so every one is precious. I expect every man here to do his

@avclub-9ef2b3a0cbd8bc049616e0855bff05fb:disqus I'm afraid you're gong to have to be a little more specific than that. I get through wives like I get through 500 megaton nuclear warheads.

We hurt you @avclub-9ef2b3a0cbd8bc049616e0855bff05fb:disqus and I bet you and your, "associates", didn't like that one bit did you?

Neroon never could get over the fact I'd gotten one of their ships. I could respect him, but that's as far as it went.

Pear blossom doesn't really do it for me.

@avclub-9ef2b3a0cbd8bc049616e0855bff05fb:disqus I'd like it if you'd get the hell off my thread! I've had just about enough of you! Who the hell do you think you are anyway?

Keep 'em in a hole and it's easier to nuke 'em straight to hell!

@cyborg you're damn right I blew it up and I'd do it again!