
Episode nine all queued up!

You think he's gonna break up, but instead he want to make up…

"I'm smart, not like everyone says!"

I was hoping someone would mention The Good Place! It was the biggest surprise I got on TV in I don't know how long. And Ted Danson's smile was……incredible. He should win all the Emmys.

Yes, thank you. This is what I think too. And I know GRRM says he's has the ending figured out for years but I wonder if that's true

Why a spoon cousin?

Time and place honey, time and place. And was it nun porn? That's the only kind allowed in church (I know, I'm going to hell)

You win the "I just spit coffee on my tablet" award! Good job!

What we every night, trying to take over the world! (sorry, I'll see myself out).
Though, my favorite part of the article was the MEN saying women didn't like looking at naked bodies, hard-ons and porn…..uhhhh, WRONG!

"In Shakespeare, there are no 'crowds- there are 'mobs'".
I like that, very well said. And that's one on the many reasons I love Shakespeare, he knew people, or maybe I should say sheeple. Mob mentality, it lowers us all and it's one of the reasons I'm watching Preacher instead of the 10 o'clock news, I prefer my

Foreskins in your face cream! Ewwwwww! Made me cringe laugh, and the fact that I showered and was putting lotion on my arms just added to the cringing, if I was actually putting lotion on my face I might of had to turn the show off for a minute

OK, we're opposites. I was the mother when Harry Potter came out. Hubby and I read them to our offspring, who lived and breathed HP for most of her childhood and still loves it but agrees with you, grow up people!
To be fair, some of my fondest memories of raising my daughter do revolve around HP, reading each new

While I agree with you (& have no idea how old you are), I'm beginning to think it's a generational thing. My offspring has fairly good taste in music and loves Bowie, but also loves Kanye, and hubby has the same look on his face whenever he hears Kanye that my father had on his face when I played The Sex Pistols or

"Where's my Dickie!?!?"


Good point, though I'm old and cynical enough to think haters are always gonna hate. But then again, when I threw this question out, I didn't think I'd really get any responses (did it 'cause I like Eastwood but this movie just never did it for me) and everyone has an opinion today😁. So….very good point, you win the

Not questioning the existence of a movie, just saying I didn't really like the original. More wondering what Coppola saw in it to want to remake it.

Great line. Hubby and I love the line Joe Bologna gives to the mob boss, "Did you say that Carl? What a guy!"

I wasn't a fan of the novel, that's why it doesn't excite me. But to each their own:)

I like Sophia Coppola but honestly, why this movie? The original wasn't that great a movie to begin with and neither was the book.