
I want to say you're right, but look how all the other spawn of Trump turned out, it's hard not to see Barron ending up working for daddy too

I thought I was the only one, but that's because My Favorite Year is my favorite movie

We have a winner!

I think at this point, the kindest, most innocent Trump is probably Barron. And gender-switching Cordelia, well that could give Trump that psychotic break we've all been wondering about. Public Theater, the ball's in your court.

And as an actor who usually plays rather sweet characters, Peter MacNicol looked like he was having a ball. Between his laugh and Jonah banging his head, I could not stop laughing

(very very quietly) I like it too (leaves quickly)

Like everyone else has said, not misery porn but very very dark. If you've read the book, you know what happens…basically. TPTB were very good at expanding the world from what we saw in the book, some changes but they work.
There isn't much levity, some but far and few between so I don't think I could binge watch, but

You take that back!!! Veridian Dynamics might actually be evil overlord inc., but I love Phil and Lem. After all they fixed the lab grown beef so it didn't taste like despair anymore

Also loved Monument Valley, also don't usually play computer games, didn't know about the sequel……squee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like the Lady Hardcastle books for the same reason. They're well written, light and easy, something to read before bed. I found the first one on sale one day, and soon read the next and you just reminded me that the third one is out. Off to read!

I was in high school for the Wall tour (yes, I'm old) and it was awesome.
For me, there are two shows I've always wanted to see: I had Zeppelin tickets but then John died, and I always said if I ever had a kid I wanted to take them to see the Dead. I had a daughter, said I was gonna take her the next summer, and then

FREEBIRD!!!!!! (I know, I'm old, I'll leave now)

I never said it would effect the election, I said it would make me happy. I don't think any late night talk show appearance could effect an election but then again I never would have guessed the outcome of this one so what the hell do I know :)

This. This is what I've said all along. The late night shows are not the place for politicians, it humanizes them and we all know they're not human.
Fallon should have known better. And it's not like he's getting canceled, he's just not number one anymore so he's upset.
All this really does is make me miss Letterman,

So obvious now but I never got that it was Maggie Wheeler either. Now I have to go back and rewatch all the episodes Trinette was in, just to hear her voice

Love love love John Larroquette. And Dan, he was such a great prick.

OMG! Angelica! For a horrible six months or so, my daughter decided to BE Angelica. She lived and breathed Rugrats. Thank goodness she grew of it.

"The answer, ultimately, is that Bob Dylan is Bob Dylan, and can do whatever the hell Bob Dylan wants to do."
Perfect answer to the question. They definitely broke the mold when they made him. And while not everything he does turns to gold, he's got more hits than misses so I'll try it. Who am I kidding, Dylan is god

Never had a specific "make out" song but in college I used to dare the guys I was with to last at least as long as Lynyrd Skynyrd's Freebird.

Never had a specific "make out" song but in college I used to dare the guys I was with to last at least as long as Lynyrd Skynyrd's Freebird.