
Amelie's voice is like an angelic Glee club.

Wax Off
Wax Off

Hey Tuck, lighten up buddy. There's nothing wrong with expressing admiration for a woman over the internet. Especially someone as radiant, charming, and self-effacing as Amelie Gillette. Nerd.

Every week
I'm barely tolerating the fact that I'm not encased in Amelie's warm womb.

She's pretty.

Amelie is funnier than Patton Oswalt David Cross, the writing staff of Arrested Development, half of Monty Python, and Jay Leno all put together

Do you have a twitter? If not, I could make one for you. I think I have a pretty good idea of what you are doing at any given moment.

Boat Trip
Hilarious. Hilarious.

Screw you asshole. You're not fit to walk the same ground as the Goddess.

Is it just me
or does the Goddess just keep getting funnier week after week? XOXO

I know what I'm getting you for Christmas

You mean it's always been bad, or it became bad after it got un-cancelled?

Heidi Klum
is a washed up old hag compared to your radiance.

Forever Yours
My love

I got that boom dynamite
I'll make it bang all night

Amelie is like a lone rose, growing miraculously in the frozen tundra. And i am a sweaty Spanish gardener with prunes. The thorns of the rose are the witty barbs of the Goddess, which she uses to tear apart pop culture figures with ease. I cannot grasp the rose for I do not have gloves. I can cut the rose and

"The Louisiana Department Of Health (the jazziest Dept. Of Health in the nation) "

This thing
was a godawful piece of hipster shit. I'd rather watch Nip/Tuck. You have terrible taste in television, Todd Van der whatever the fuck. Get G-melie, the Goddess, to cover television from now on.

My desktop
My desktop sort of looks like the Philip Seymour Hoffman one, except replace his fat face with Amelie's gorgeous veneer.

Tolerable: The glow of your skin
Mildly Irritating:AmelieGilletteFan Fan
Unbearable: Being without you