
Quote of the Day
"Release….essence…directly into….eyes….bronze….mounted….package."

Stop spreading lies.

Register and then someone will care.

Quote of the Day
"Bare….tits…..in hand…..amazing"

"I….intensely…..was…..coming so quickly"

Too busy jerkin' it

Every word written by the Goddess.

So does every other female actress, dumbshit. I'm talking about why People is so specifically obsessed with her, even when she has no movie coming out and isn't doing shit, dumbcrap.

Amelie let out a soft scream as his gleaming white fangs penetrated her flesh and drew blood. He started softly sucking, and she could feel herself getting moist. Pain and pleasure mixed together in an enticing erotic cocktail of emotions. She was his and his alone. She pressed against the tight fabric of his jeans…

Is the editor of People related to Jennifer Aniston or something? The amount of time they spend worshiping her and everything she thinks is insane.

Conan is getting progressively unfunnier. What once was a laid back,goofy charm is now hyperactive, Jim Carrey-esque mugging. Perfect example: you know that impression he does of NBC execs like they are Bond villians stroking a cat? When he first did that many years ago, it was normal and funny. Now, he makes a

Amelie' cold skin glowed in the moon light, as Drake pressed his fangs hard against her pink flesh.

I have a tattoo
It says "G MELIE 4 EVER

I have a tattoo
It says "G MELIE 4 EVER

She'd better fucking not be.

I'll worship your turd

As your number one fan, it's my responsibility to offer you guidance if I think you're making a horrible mistake. Now you know how much I love you, worship you, kiss the ground you walk on . But if you really have a son, and his name is really, Charlemagne, that is the stupidest, most pretentious shit I've ever

This is one of the many things I appreciate about G-Melie. She has class. She's elegant, yet casual in her dress.

Is there an off switch on your wit?

2 girls 1 snarky pop-culture podcast