
Nice interview
Although House of the Devil was marketed as an 80s' slasher throwback, what I got from it was more of a Roman Polanski vibe, with long silent shots and actual character development (although not quite as much depth) — it's not surprising that he acknowledges the influence. So true about jumps being more

Has none of you guys ever heard of a little movie called Quantum of Solace? Also, everyone needs to watch this right now:

Campy Wolverine
I'm not completely sure if Wolverine constitutes as camp. Doesn't camp demand its creators' complicity? I don't think the Big No and similar awful moments were exactly intended to be humorous. Or am I misunderstanding the term "camp"?

"Unlike with other directors who've earned dicey critical reputations—Michael Bay, say, or Uwe Boll—the worst that can be said of Ratner is that he makes crassly populist movies."

Thank you, Unrepentant Racist!

I think you can see them rotoscoped in A Scanner Darkly. Also, Alan Arkin, ew.

True… there can only be one. And that is Christopher Lambert/Thomas Jane.

Clandestine destruction of Ferrara
Is this perhaps the beginning of some sort of covert operation to completely obliterate Ferrara's career? Getting critically recognized directors to make superior movies of the same name so that each of his movies would always be unfavorably compared?

Agreed. That is true of many Raimi movies, including his latest. I was just very sad that he opted to use CGI instead of stop-motion animation in Drag Me to Hell. That's my only real knock against the film, really — it lacked plasticine. Also, when is that coming out on DVD?

"For those of you who haven't yet completely memorized every single episode due to numerous reruns!"

I'm annoyed because a good actor is going to get typecast.

How do I reach these crimefighterzzzz?

Phipps' phrase would be "As I'm sure everyone else would tell you…".

Also, I want someone to create a Tyler Perry character on these boards. I'd do it myself, but I'm not sure what kind of a person he is.

By the way, notice how reviews for Perry movies keep getting better?

As I said in a different thread…
…does he have to play every villain now, just because he was good in that one movie? Lame, despite how much I liked him. Also, I was really looking forward to Cage doing the Fu Manchu thing. Sad he backed out…

Also in stupid news…
…Christoph Waltz has been cast as the villain in Green Hornet. Yeah, I know everyone loved him in that movie from a month ago, but honestly? Does he have to play every villain now? Stupid Hollywood. I would much prefer Nic Cage hamming it up as the bad guy.

Yeah, it's unfortunate Perry's new movie is only as good as Tarantino's.

Yeah, it's getting pretty decent reviews, but Mr. Armond White hates it because it didn't have enough singing or something. "Perry's sensitivity to feminine angst is limited by this self-imposed quarantine."

The premise reminded me of those aliens from Galaxy Quest.