
Perry in history books
In 20 years or so, when film historians are looking back at what movies dominated the naughties, I'm fairly certain one Mr. Perry is going to have an entire chapter devoted to him, replete with academic rhetoric and terms such as "Perryesque" and "Perryploatation".

You need to remove that second bracket from the link for it to work completely, but that is a very interesting interview, and not just because of how much Gilliam likes the word "fuck". It's interesting because of how surprisingly self-aware he is. "I think I might be a bad storyteller" hits the nail right on the head

Some scenes in Tarkovsky's movie are great: the whole "car riding through a then-futuristic-looking landscape in B&W for twenty minutes" sequence is absolutely mesmerizing, or the one in which the main character, his wife and the objects around them start floating. Also, the ending is great. But overall, it's a bit

Shut up. Nah, I guess you're right. Troll.

Lem Dobbs
If I were Soderbergh, I would *never* work with the guy again. He's an excellent screenwriter, and he was right about many points in Limey, but the whole "what's this Tarantino bullshit" thing and other mean digs were too much.

Oh, I was just (probably unsuccessfully) poking fun at the show's somewhat repetitive structure. But I do like it very much. It's one of the few shows of this kind where I like all of principal characters.


Very fun. I like it much better than, say, Darkman or Spider-Man 2, which seem to get much love on these boards. The fact that Gene Hackman plays a cruel sheriff seem to have made everyone compare it to Unforgiven (it suffers in comparison, naturally, but what doesn't?), even though they are two very different films.

Damn it
With all due respect, I was hoping this was the first book in Mr. Phipps' Count Meowcula series.

Not exactly the greatest horror anthology ever, but it's well worth seeking out for Stephen King's hilarious performance ("My Ma ain't raised no idjuts"), Tom Savini's make-up (the "water" people) and the final story, which is possibly the most disgusting bug-related film ever.

They do them more often than just once per season, but it's always based on incidental music, and is always awesome. Like the penultimate episode of the second season, with Greek music playing against Frank driving to a certain meeting… great, great.

Surely you mean: