
مرگ بر اسموچی

@avclub-48c0b3cf0c62e40eeff5a9b07a63d953:disqus That can't be helpful when the sound right before the "ah" is an "ar," though.

The last place I had it, not only was the chicken and the waffle perfectly prepared, but the syrup was tinged with jalapeno.  In other words, it was perfect all around.

Stop being so pretentious, KYLE.

I do not care for Old Bay.  I'd be happy still not knowing what it is.  But you sure can get it on bagged chips in DC.

You can also just get a dried fish to gnaw on with your beer.  Unless they really have gotten serious about cutting down on drinking in the street, you could just get the beer and fish at a newspaper kiosk at any time of day.

He was good in "Freaks & Geeks," when he thought he had to yank hairs out of his nose to stay awake after falling off a collapsing table and concussing himself inside a giant Viking head.

Aw. Internet controversy!:

Also having severe emotional problems.

Also lying.

Confused. Always assume Hank is confused.

I love him classing up how the bug guy's going to put a dead fly on Larry's head.  He mimes it on Larry like an elegant tailor or haberdasher.  "Comme ça."

Do peaches give you a rash?

I'll wait.

So, Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawrence are required to make out now, right?

"Buggery" is a slur against Bulgarians.  I mean, originally.  "Heretic" and "sodomite"/"practitioner of 'unnatural' sex" were synonyms for a while, and western Christians had some unflattering ideas about Eastern Orthodox Christians and heretics in Bulgaria, and the word "bulgarus" turned into "bugger."

@avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus  End. of conversation.

"Borderline" juvenile?  The lyrics are so juvenile that his singing them should constitute statutory rape of the English language.

@avclub-1ed1deb70cdddffa41ee3f4cdb5d94fb:disqus I can't hate it, because it just makes me think of middle-aged Louis CK creating a marijuana ordeal for himself while standing in a circle with a bunch of 20-year-olds in a parking lot in Kansas City taking giant 1970's jean jacket-type hits.

Even better, "Hey Ya" is fun *and* about our inability to find lasting love.