This short history of the Soviet Union may be useful:
This short history of the Soviet Union may be useful:
Karen Fillipelli is meaner, more confident, and wears unflattering pants suits.
I assume it has to do with outrage over Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?
Also worth it for fruit roll-up thumbs.
And be flush with ♫ CAAA-AAAAAAAAAAASH ♪
I dunno, I think it makes sense. That's part of who she is. Most people don't change that much, even when they've noted the need to change the behavior before.
Return from whence you CAME!
I was lucky to go to one of those schools with a giant enough endowment that they don't make students take out loans. You submit your financial aid package, they hook you up with a part-time campus job and then they cover whatever you and your parents can't.
@avclub-9624bda6273b3a5c6aadbb922466634a:disqus Is that why people always giggle when remembering the end of that childhood romp, Bambi?
@avclub-4d0669d1c79eb21e516dbf8b5d5f03ad:disqus Can they accidentally kill one dean after being transformed into werewolfs?
Tuesday's coming. Did you bring your coat?
Can't put it all on Todd being vanderwerffy, though. The New York Times goes on for two online pages in a similar vein.
They're actors—they're the opposite of people!
I remember it for all the things you just cited, so now I'm trying in vain to think of what, specifically, would make someone pan it.
'Fraid not:…
Yeah, it's not the most common of Russian names, but it's not weird, either.
@avclub-b9c2ac19bc0e942d2f927d6acece38dc:disqus Yeah, the romance of the idealized frontier in US expansion out west overlapped in some ways with how Russians romanticized their own expansion out east and to the south, and there was some resonance between the mythic cowboy and mythic Cossack.
I was honestly confused during that jogging scene. I hadn't been paying close attention, and I thought, "Wait, did I just miss a part where he needed to go to New York to meet a contact or something?"
Lenin Lenin Lenin Leninnnnn
Lenin Lenin Lenin Leniiiiii
Lenin Lenin Lenin Leninininnnnnnn
Lenin Lenin You're gonna be creepily preserved in regular reagent baths so you look like a wax doll but made of your own flesh. iiiiii.
There are plenty with mpreg.