Speaking of, did you see that a veterans' parade float of wounded warriors got hit by a train in Texas? Several people were killed and more were wounded.
Speaking of, did you see that a veterans' parade float of wounded warriors got hit by a train in Texas? Several people were killed and more were wounded.
Speaking of, did you see that a veterans' parade float of wounded warriors got hit by a train in Texas? Several people were killed and more were wounded.
I think I'd like a great adaptation of Demons even more. There's a lot of good ways one could make the subjects like political terrorism and the desire for notorious celebrity resonate.
I think I'd like a great adaptation of Demons even more. There's a lot of good ways one could make the subjects like political terrorism and the desire for notorious celebrity resonate.
@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus The thing to remember about The Idiot is that it's about the apocalypse. If you made the movie such that it got more and more frantic, with things completely falling apart by the end, I bet it could work.
@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus The thing to remember about The Idiot is that it's about the apocalypse. If you made the movie such that it got more and more frantic, with things completely falling apart by the end, I bet it could work.
I thought reading about Levin was interesting but uncomfortable and almost embarrassing. It's basically like reading pages of Tolstoy's personal diary. (His first name in Russian is Lev.)
I thought reading about Levin was interesting but uncomfortable and almost embarrassing. It's basically like reading pages of Tolstoy's personal diary. (His first name in Russian is Lev.)
I read it for class in high school.
I read it for class in high school.
@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus Agree, but what also sticks in my mind is Karenin sitting in the divorce lawyer's banal office, moths fluttering about.
@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus Agree, but what also sticks in my mind is Karenin sitting in the divorce lawyer's banal office, moths fluttering about.
Also, what of Frou-Frou's role?
Also, what of Frou-Frou's role?
If you get the mood generated in a movie like Pi, you'll be more than halfway there.
If you get the mood generated in a movie like Pi, you'll be more than halfway there.
It's terrible, Frank. Just terrible. My father went the same way!
It's terrible, Frank. Just terrible. My father went the same way!
You can't hijack a thread anymore.
You can't hijack a thread anymore.