
I kinda liked the watch.  It wasn't crazy out-of-place to focus on it, since Jesse had given it to him as a birthday present (which I can believe he'd do—he's aware that it's nice and it's the kind of thing you can give someone when your relationship is too impersonal to know what the guy would really like), and

That's why it's the cheese for Casey.

That's why it's the cheese for Casey.

zing grAAAAAAAce!

zing grAAAAAAAce!



It's GOB intoning, "Something's gone wrong" that gets to me.

It's GOB intoning, "Something's gone wrong" that gets to me.

Really?  When a kid's arm got bitten off by an alligator in Florida a few weeks ago, they talked about getting the arm out of the alligator.  Of course, they said they couldn't reattach it, but it was written up as though there were some hope of that happening (and presumably couldn't just because it'd been all mauled

Really?  When a kid's arm got bitten off by an alligator in Florida a few weeks ago, they talked about getting the arm out of the alligator.  Of course, they said they couldn't reattach it, but it was written up as though there were some hope of that happening (and presumably couldn't just because it'd been all mauled

She never heard him coming.

She never heard him coming.

@avclub-e2a6a1ace352668000aed191a817d143:disqus Yep!  I was trying to make a similar point the other week.  Yeah, Rebecca *is* attracted to Dan and *does* think he'd probably be a great date.  But she also knows she shouldn't be dating.

I had such a crush on Teri Polo from these episodes.  I wanted more for her than to be skinny and blonde and be-fringed in Meet the Fockers.

I had such a crush on Teri Polo from these episodes.  I wanted more for her than to be skinny and blonde and be-fringed in Meet the Fockers.

I really love the character of Dan and love the way Josh Charles plays him. But, really. Dan's not pursuing Rebecca at the bar they both like to frequent.  He keeps making her workday about his pursuit of her.  It's not a cool thing to do, even as appealing as Dan/Josh Charles can make it.

I really love the character of Dan and love the way Josh Charles plays him. But, really. Dan's not pursuing Rebecca at the bar they both like to frequent.  He keeps making her workday about his pursuit of her.  It's not a cool thing to do, even as appealing as Dan/Josh Charles can make it.

Yes.  Namely, self-satisfaction.

Yes.  Namely, self-satisfaction.