
Pretty sure that was her lunch break.  It was Sisterly Salad Tuesday.  On Thursdays, they get together and talk about how much they love Yoplait.

@eric827:disqus Well… I think Jesse's only capable of cold-blooded murder the way most people would be, under certain circumstances.  (There've been other times on the show when he was supposed to kill someone, and he couldn't make himself do it.)

@eric827:disqus Well… I think Jesse's only capable of cold-blooded murder the way most people would be, under certain circumstances.  (There've been other times on the show when he was supposed to kill someone, and he couldn't make himself do it.)

"Buy your depressed wife a nice dinner somewhere."

"Buy your depressed wife a nice dinner somewhere."

@avclub-ef7d8ff636c7f5e86f5e63b5acfd2859:disqus Oh, I don't think Walt meant, "Ha ha, you're all going to die because of me."  I think it was more of a warning to get in line and not let people die because of her.

@avclub-ef7d8ff636c7f5e86f5e63b5acfd2859:disqus Oh, I don't think Walt meant, "Ha ha, you're all going to die because of me."  I think it was more of a warning to get in line and not let people die because of her.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Well, Marie knows all about how Skyler chose to go back to work for Ted, despite Ted's previous… [hm, I forget the details.  But it was something sexual towards Skyler], and she knows Skyler chose never to tell Walt about Ted's behavior.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Well, Marie knows all about how Skyler chose to go back to work for Ted, despite Ted's previous… [hm, I forget the details.  But it was something sexual towards Skyler], and she knows Skyler chose never to tell Walt about Ted's behavior.

Except he's DEA in the Southwest and still doesn't know Spanish.

Except he's DEA in the Southwest and still doesn't know Spanish.

I think Walt knew what he was doing having it on, though.  He's not happy that Skyler was pushing back—however feebly—at his moving back in, or that she's creating trouble by having breakdowns at her sister.  So he got to punish her with a heavy hand with this movie, while making sly, pointed comments.

I think Walt knew what he was doing having it on, though.  He's not happy that Skyler was pushing back—however feebly—at his moving back in, or that she's creating trouble by having breakdowns at her sister.  So he got to punish her with a heavy hand with this movie, while making sly, pointed comments.

@avclub-36380b78433329b2c1f1537505e9af65:disqus Yeah, plus what the folks above have said—that is, in addition to Skyler not being able to handle Marie's brand of conversation because of her terrible, ongoing, encompassing fear—I wonder if Skyler might have also subconsciously been using all those "Shut up!"s to

@avclub-36380b78433329b2c1f1537505e9af65:disqus Yeah, plus what the folks above have said—that is, in addition to Skyler not being able to handle Marie's brand of conversation because of her terrible, ongoing, encompassing fear—I wonder if Skyler might have also subconsciously been using all those "Shut up!"s to

@avclub-6b160289536b8a7a7a2c161a02014e7c:disqus Yeah, there was a guy who fucked me when I was blacked out, too.  I don't know whether or not I was sloppily talking or doing anything back instead of just lying there passed out, but the guy still should've not done it.  I had only just thrown up pure vodka (like a big,

OJ on Rice Krispies works really, really well.  Much tastier than with milk.

OJ on Rice Krispies works really, really well.  Much tastier than with milk.

Well, it depends on the person and the nature of their illness.  Some people get mean or psychotic or just frantic.

Well, it depends on the person and the nature of their illness.  Some people get mean or psychotic or just frantic.