
It comes from the Turkish word "yohwurt," so… I guess you can spell it however you want.

That was hilarious.  I loved seeing Dan do badly.

Well, and he very well could actually have a mental illness.  But it still doesn't give a person an excuse to be a dick.


Is anyone at all concerned about an …/> uprising.

That song always makes me think of NewsRadio.

Yes, I was flying.  But a little too close to the sun.

I thought it was pretty funny Tina Fey mimed picking a pubic hair out of her mouth after she finished shilling for…whatever movie that was.

If it's like the last live show, they'll probably put both versions up on Hulu tomorrow.

Yes, look at her dance, look at her go!


The question is… *when's* my time machine?

"…the majority of the conflict in Knocked Up seemed to me to be due to
(somewhat stereotypical) male immaturity. I mostly just felt bad for all
the female characters having to deal with Rudd and Rogen the

Yeah, agree.

Or maybe after he was fired he just brought that chicken-frying experience to Los Pollos Hermanos.

I think Anna Paquin's talked about her and some of the other actresses on True Blood getting so hungry they'd be angry.  They called it "hangry."

I'll make you some sandwiches.

No, you don't; you came here for an argument.

Back when online translators were less developed, I translated the phrase "give up the funk" from English to German and back into English.