
They consider it more a heightened state of arousal than pure discomfort.

It's just sad to see three people all post the exact same thing within a minute of each other. I mean, do we have no other references? Is this what we have come to?

Is Emily Blunt supposed to be that skinny?  It keeps distracting me, in the commercials for this.

@avclub-67f6d2e9915d70fd0dd562623d86eb43:disqus Even funnier, I'm pretty sure that was the Red Army Chorus singing the Soviet anthem, not a symphony.  Was a bottle of vodka, y'see.

Yeah, I think they've been building to it, too.  All season, Megan's been wanting to be competent at work, and Don keeps pulling her away to come be his sexy wife.

You could even say they mind-blowingly predicted it.

Also, she's very useful!  She can diagnose mumps on her phone!

Ann was hired to fill the position after the public health guy previously in that position posted notices warning the townspeople to beware his whore wife.

Ugh, West Wing.  I did my best to avoid it, because not only did it annoy me terribly, it made me retroactively annoyed about Sorkin things I'd previously enjoyed.


I'm just a pupppeh.  I ain't done nothin' wrong.  Cuz I'm just a pupppeh.

I wanna see him go for the EGOT.

We were told Karen Please Come Over For Green Spinach.

That's why you never see two of them on the table at the same time.

A) No, other people don't stand that way.  Not unless they're trying some method of giving birth upright.

His daughter would go on to give birth to Benedick Gumberpatch.

Yeah, I was a bit confused by that.

Don's on that track, too.  "I'm too drunk for you to drive … Le'sh make a baby!"

"Also, when weepy Lane told Joan that she could do his job, I wonder what was going through her head.  Somebody's name is probably coming off the letterhead this season at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, but it may not be Roger's."