
@inovermyhead:disqus Yeah, especially since Peggy had no reason to believe Ken had told anyone else at the office.  If she'd told Roger, as far as she knows, she'd be the only one for Ken to blame.

Yeah, it was hilarisad when Pete said that "supposed to be friends" thing.  I'm pretty sure everything he said to people in the office this episode (and probably all season, though I haven't checked) was snide and denigrating to their work ethic/abilities.

"Your space apartment is always too cold!"

Petulant Pete, be careful whom you provoke into fisticuffs!

That's not what you're gaining enmity for.

You guys, leave him alone!  A bolt from a Ferris wheel is lodged in his brain.

My favorite Donglover acting moment is probably when Abed pops up to warn him *not* to believe in running into the tunnel he painted on the side of the building.

That's where the secret to male irresistibility lies: in Pawnee's sewer water.

How can you have a log cabin in your pants if you're sanz pantaloons?  Eh?  EH?

Aw, I really liked "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You" at the end of Noshing and Moshing.  I thought it worked well to wrap in the Schweibers' story, since it's the kind of song they might play at their party.

Plus, I think Kowchevsky really does get how broody guys with cool hair and dreamy eyes can take advantage of people.  He gets it, but he sees through that game now.  But he probably gave out some math answers to a cute boy in high school, too.

Yeah, do get the DVDs when you can!  Lots of good stuff on there.  The deleted scenes are fun to watch, too.

Seriously, a "kinda-dude"?  The episode explained pretty clearly what was going on—i.e., Ken's girlfriend was a girl and not a kinda-dude.

Well, they dig into it on the DVD commentary.  I was glad that this didn't overlap with those commentaries much.

You'd think so.  Turns out it's actually just Paul Feig's dad.

She also described Katharine Hepburn's acting as running the gamut of emotions from A to B.

Phipps: You damn well better have read the whole book.

I'm pretty sure they weren't intending for the song to be celebratory or unproblematic.  I think they were just trying to write a song about a woman who'd choose to stay with someone who hit her.

It has relish in it.