
Say, anyone else get the feeling there were a couple of moments where drunken Peggy was thinking about what it would be like if she and Dawn made out?

I think he's just a weak, petulant man.  He wants to be smarter and more competent than he is, and he knows Joan is a lot smarter and more competent than he is, and those things piss him off.

@avclub-c65a46c16b70bf886e62e791cd4a80b3:disqus  "I looked at it as Joan is powerful, lying straight on the bed, unlike her mother, curled up in the beetle position."

Roger: I thought men like you were called fruits.
Sal: Very funny.

Indeed, and I'll thank you to capitalize it properly in honor of his service in East Vietnam under General Southmoreland.

Gazizza, dilznoofuses!

I'm watching on the North coast.

Besides Dostoevsky, there was Dickens, Henry James, Flaubert… oh, and Tolstoy.  "War and Peace" was published over five years, I think, and it took critics some years more to decide whether it was much of a novel or not.

Well, a lot of them, but it's true that it would have been hard to do worthy critical study of them till they were done.

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus  They got close to 4%, but then they jewed 'em down.

Don't call it the ArDe.

Literally streets behind.  Tsk.

The paper covered the whole thing.

Kim Philby: In Soviet Russia, Kim named men!

John Watson called Sherlock Holmes a dick, but that was on the BBC.

" Goodman's speech to Abed is like something ripped directly from those books"

I do think it'd have helped if they'd had a more talented/skilled actress in the role.

Coincidentally, it's "johnnyb is a cock."

Watch it again and just read the sign above and to the right of the soft-serve machine, about the A's of Greendale.

Except Abed is *played* by Danny Pudi.