
@avclub-cf740956c15b1333f4f0c273e760b294:disqus  and @avclub-638c1a4f003b46aad4aa5cf3f424d215:disqus : I dunno if he is feeling good about himself, though.

I can recall Galifianakis throwing in racist-based jokes.

Yeah, "Fly" works better for me in light of this season, as we see just how slippery Walt's cheese has gotten.

I just rewatched the episode, and it was striking how uncomfortable Gomez looked as Hank was laying out his theory—much more uncomfortable than Merker.

Well, they weren't actually enemies.  Those were hearts and minds to be won.

I've seen the "Singapore" one. Google says the video was posted to YouTube in May 2010. But YouTube says the user removed it.

Oh, well, you probably wouldn't recognize him in it! He played this guy who had to live in the wilderness for years fighting everyone—oh.

I might still watch this
Hell, I might watch "Johnny Swordguy."

Still trying to understand this phrase
"almost but never quite loses his temper and explodes with the rage that has been building for years"

Oh. Yeah, "yarblokos" would do it. Thanks for clearing it up! ('S obviously been a very long time since I read/watched the thing.)

Russian's fun!

"Videt" is Russian for "see" (same root as video). "Grood" is Russian for "breast." "Weepy" is an English word that he probably associates with devotchkas, since lots of young women cry, or weep, when gang-raped.

Nah, the physical therapist didn't think she wanted to bone him. It's just obvious to him that she wants a buffer between her and a husband that can't stand to be in the same room with her, and he feels awkward pity for her.

High-school kids were assigned Dostoevsky when I was in Russia fifteen years ago, anyway. And, yeah, the books just update the spelling. The language is still very accessible—they weren't written all that long ago, and the Russian language didn't go through huge, imposed changes like, say, Turkish did.

Lyrics I like
I like the inexact rhymes in Loudon Wainwright's "Bill of Goods," I guess mainly because that song is so mean and bitter, in a quiet, resigned way. First verse:

Sorry if I missed this in the ten pages of comments.

This show!
I saw it for the first time just last week, when I was trying to see if I could watch Bring It On on Netflix streaming. I couldn't, but this show popped up, and I ended up watching all of the episodes available on Netflix and then all the rest of them on YouTube, including this finale. All of them, since

And that's why you always leave a note
I don't know how this guy can resist waving his stump and quoting J. Walter Weatherman on a semi-daily basis.