
Bill McNeal to the loony bin
"It's essentially the documentary equivalent of the old standby in which you see two people calmly having a discussion in the foreground while something goofily violent occurs in the background, though I'm damned if I can think of a good example of that offhand. "

Sadder image than Midge stroking Don's leg while he wrote a check:

"He didn't see the appeal of Joe Namath as a pitchman, didnt' see the appeal of Muhammad Ali."

Weak Manny/Gloria sub-plot
I enjoyed the episode on the whole, but the writers really fell down in trying to justify Gloria's turning into the stereotypical Colombian mom, in giving Kelly out-of-place, semi-adult, obnoxious things to say.

Cmndr_X: I think you're seeing a lot of people react positively to the very strong comic performances on this show. I agree that, a lot of the time, what the writers come up with for this show is mediocre. But it's also generally solid, and then the actors and directors elevate it, such that a lot of viewers and

"Army"—it's like school. It's just someplace Buster's supposed to be during the day.

Yeah, but Sean *was* trying to fuck with him as a person. That's why Louie acknowledged the kid was smart, because Sean knew how to be psychologically threatening and manipulative, how to go for humiliation and ruin his chances with the woman, not just be physically menacing.

Yeah, I also didn't see where Betty's behavior at the Thanksgiving table was so monstrous. Her extremely judgmental mother-in-law had just called out her daughter for not eating, Sally had just rudely refused to eat, so Betty tried to get Sally to participate in the meal by feeding her.

Yeah, when my friend was first watching Arrested Development, he thought all the "Annabelle? Her?" stuff had to be pretty mean for the kids who played Ann Veal.

I do think a part of Allison was thinking about Jane and Roger, and speculating about being on her way to becoming Mrs. Draper—particularly since she knew Don wasn't one to sleep with the office girls.

"I really loved Don and Roger's little Nazi banter the next day. It illustrated that Lee Jr's behavior at the party was business as usual, and that we viewers were probably more concerned about it than they were. "

@kjohnson1585: I just thought "Partly Cloudy" was about long-term spousal abuse.

I still find "The Assistant" pretty funny. Judge for yourself:

Yeah, the etymology on the show wasn't true, but it is plausible the character would say it—it does get repeated as true.

"Shouldn't we be doing something constructive?"

The presentation is great, but I think my favorite is wild-eyed Dave at his desk, carrying out and explaining the security door procedure, while the doorbell keeps ringing. He thinks he's being so calm and reasonable!

Streets Ahead leather company
Their website celebrates 25 years of selling pricey belts, and features pantsed people:

Judge: The blonde chick on 30 Rock won a Tony for her performance in a musical, so I'm guessing plenty of people do already think she's a good singer in real life.

Another question
Did Sue's parents hunt Nazis, or were they busy hunters who happened to be Nazis?

Sloppy freakshow babies
So, was Becky up there on the stilts during the big Cheerios practice? I was watching for the part where Sue treats her like everyone else, but it must have slipped past me.