
kjohnson: A lot of people put the near-violent backlash down to white-boy anxiety. Disco attracted a lot of the gays and the blacks.

@Joe Propinka: The humor in jokes is based on unexpected yet logical turn from a premise. A joke doesn't work if the punchline doesn't flow from the premise, and sit-coms aren't funny if characters are only doing something to get to the comedic situation, rather than because of internal logic.

I actually don't understand the swastika-windmill thing, in terms of believing someone would accidentally draw that. Is that shape really how people would think of a sketch of a windmill? I think of the blades for a stereotypical windmill as a lot more like an X. And that's easier to draw than a swastika, too.

Fuck your sound effects
on this stupid liveblogging software.


I really like the actress who plays Shirley. Her timing and delivery are great; she cracked me up just in her tiny role on The Office.

Rabin, it's been a day. Please go back through this and copy-edit it.

I'm pretty sure that if Blackwood had caused most of Parliament to die by apparently supernatural means, there wouldn't have been an orderly re-election.

Best comment yet on Kinkade
was by the Mexican David Caruso:

Yeah, I think Samberg had to wipe some of Franco's spittle off his face during the fraternity sketch. He played it for laughs.

Succubus = "female demon who fucks a guy in his sleep, collects his semen and transfers it to an incubus, so the incubus can impregnate a woman while she sleeps."

Andy = "hanging around like a succubus"?

Toby was envious of Jim, covetous of Pam, and jealous of any attention from her.

All the same, it shows how hollow Michael's compliments are, and how misguided his aspirations for other people.

@MoSam: We're not deeply sad. Our people are Nordic.

M-Dan: Exactly.

Sean Connery, counted for:

@phel: How about you pull your head out of your ass and learn a little bit more about how plants are harvested and processed throughout the world?

@Jim Rockford— Exactly, there are definitely ethical issues involved in how we get non-meat-based foods.

But Sue wants to win Nationals
So, what are we supposed to think happens with Becky next week? Are we meant to believe Sue is going to let her perform with her national competitors? I'm assuming Sue's going to have to tell her, "Well, you're only part of the team if you won't be up there with the team when it