
Robenoir: Don couldn't go running to Hilton because he'd look like he was looking for a hand-out. Hilton had already made the decision to go to another company. Don'd just look pathetic if he asked him to reconsider, now that he has to worry about a shaky new company.

"Sally and Don is my favorite combo on the show, followed closely by Pete and anyone. "

To be fair, the douchebags at this past year's Princeton Reunion could have contributed to the confusion:

Lexicondevil: Joan kept shooting down the idea of Roger leaving Mona for her. She said she knew Roger would be moving on to next year's model soon enough, and she liked things the way they were, with her getting to be free. In response, Roger got her a cage.

Obviously, the reference to United Fruit Company was foreshadowing Don dumping Miss Farrell.

It was a lucky day on the ol' Whitman farm when that ol' nag up and died.

Betty wasn't really *berating* Don for not understanding money…. It's just that people who've grown up with money in their family for a few generations take it for granted in a certain way, and know what signifies crassness and what signifies high class.

What important job? Is that a joke?

Also, Uighurs are Turkic.

Well, first of all—a lot of people don't find Sarah Silverman to be a comedic genius. They complain her schtick is based on shock. (Personally, I find her delivery to be pretty funny at times, but I also don't watch her often. I can see it wearing thin.)

He resigned. The team wasn't happy about it.

Steve McRib: So why don't you become a prostitute?

Really? I thought the closing lines were vicious.

"This week Jim hangs up on Oscar, who, other than Pam, is the closest thing to a friend that Jim has in the Office."

Another parallel is Lee, Jr. pushing a cigarette on Pete, when Pete doesn't want it and says it's bad for him.

Wow, there are a lot of ignorant commenters here
Note to defensive Australian commenters: You're not saying anything different from how defensive Americans try to deny racism.

Sue's Journal
Well, it's obvious Sue was lying about being 30.

I thought it made sense for Pete to be kind of frozen in his emotional upset when Trudie came home, such that he couldn't cover up his straying ways. I certainly don't think he was bothered, in itself, that Trudie was doting on him—as long as it's not going to interfere with whatever else he wants to do, he wants

"that evening scene with Don reaching over Betty to write on her notepad"

Or how much she just wants a nice marriage, where Pete needs her.