The Guy Behind the Guy Behind

So I had a friend in high school who sang for a reggae band, and they used to get gigs at this Caribbean place that was famous for 2 things: serving exotic, possibly not health-inspected meats, and serving underaged kids. So one Friday night, we all hightailed it over to the club, ordered some alligator and some

And wasn't it established that Colonel Weaver was a recovering alcoholic? He and Mason have had a drink together in every episode where they've shared screen time…

About halfway through Pelecanos' King
Suckerman which I'm really enjoying, but which I've cast aside for Earth Abides for the time being. I'm reading one of the Percy Jackson books with my daughter, and I'm dying to get her into the Prydain series, but I don't think she's going to be that into it now that's she's gone

Someone remind me how Cell ends. My recollection is that the whole 'society going to shit' half was great, but that  the 'hive mind zombies' part was weak sauce…

I just read the first parts of The Cannibals at stephenking,com, which were uploaded ostensibly to prove that he thought of the 'dome' concept well before the Simpsons Movie. Kind of has a Langoliers feel to it with some [REC] thrown in. I found myself wishing he had finished that story (it cuts off before we get to

Ugh, keeping with dances. I hooked up with a girl about 2 weeks before senior prom. We tentatively agreed to become a couple (although immediately after going down on me that first night, she said "we're just friends, right?' - I wasn't settling for that, though) Anyhoo, she had already agreed to go to prom with

Shit, it's alarming how easy this is. I just thought  of a party story. I transferred to my 4-year university after a couple years at a community college. So I was a junior, but during my first year, I lived in a freshman dorm. When I got to campus, I had all these ridiculously grandiose ideas about reinventing

I'm expanding 'party' to include 'school dance'. So junior year, I had a crush on a sophomore girl which I thought was resoundingly unrequited. However, at one particular dance we found ourselves slow-dancing (to the Phil Collins version of Groovy Kind of Love, thanks) and at the end of the dance, the light was green

It's good that we're getting these reviews on the regular, because I've already thought of several embarassing moments from my youth, so I'll (unfortunately) have lots to contribute. But keeping with the pants theme - rehearsal for the 5th grade play had just concluded, and my friend and I decided that it would be

And a completely throwaway joke about an Orca-themed WWF wrestler who could only be beaten if you rub his tongue? IT'S BEEN added to my list of all-time favorite Comedy Bing-Bongs.

Seriously, I'm as militant about HD as the next bro, but that seemed like a ridiculous pretense for 'let's move into together'

I don't foresee a George/Alex/Dallas triangle, but the woman who's buying George's house appears to be an attractive single mom, and is roughly 4000 times more down-to-earth than Dallas…

"..and Martinez takes his place"

My vote, in addition to the 1700 other excellent suggestions in the article and thread:

I liked it on the strength of it being a GL show in the first place. Stories stayed pretty true to the current books, and had room for some fun stuff. They'd just introduced Guy Gardner, but I don't think we saw a John Stewart or Kyle. The CGI was my biggest problem with it, followed closely by their need to travel

I'm not sure I buy a multi-billion dollar company like ChumHum disclosing a $100K expense to that front company. Balance sheets get detailed, but I can't imagine a shareholder batting an eye at that 'small' of an expenditure…

It's conventional wisdom that Kirkman is a terrible writer, and I've been reluctant to pile on, because I do enjoy the series. But I just finished Colson Whitehead's "Zone One", and that book is roughly 1400 times better than Kirkman's 'novel' about the Governor.

$20 albums are still a thing. I just paid $17 for the new Rush album. And by 'paid' I mean sold 8 used cd's to the record store and used store credit. First time I've been in a record store in forever, because of streaming and cheap purchases on the web. But I had cd's to get rid of and foolishly thought I'd get more

$20 albums are still a thing. I just paid $17 for the new Rush album. And by 'paid' I mean sold 8 used cd's to the record store and used store credit. First time I've been in a record store in forever, because of streaming and cheap purchases on the web. But I had cd's to get rid of and foolishly thought I'd get more

This may be drifting too far into 'who the fuck cares?' territory, but I feel like Professor Dad would have been ALL OVER airplane lady's orders from the new Continental Congress. Closest thing to an historical document dangled in front of an American History Professor and he doesn't even look at them?