The Guy Behind the Guy Behind

This may be drifting too far into 'who the fuck cares?' territory, but I feel like Professor Dad would have been ALL OVER airplane lady's orders from the new Continental Congress. Closest thing to an historical document dangled in front of an American History Professor and he doesn't even look at them?

I'm reading 3 of the 4 GL titles and liking the main title the best. My problem is that before the New 52, Kyle and Guy were essentially a team, and now it's suddenly Guy and John. I like the support Guy is giving John during his newest moral crisis, but I just think he and Kyle were better together. And the New

I'm reading 3 of the 4 GL titles and liking the main title the best. My problem is that before the New 52, Kyle and Guy were essentially a team, and now it's suddenly Guy and John. I like the support Guy is giving John during his newest moral crisis, but I just think he and Kyle were better together. And the New

This is good to hear. After seeing Charnas last night, I was set to remove the book from my 'to-read' list, because of the hyperbole Kenny cited.

This is good to hear. After seeing Charnas last night, I was set to remove the book from my 'to-read' list, because of the hyperbole Kenny cited.

I'am about to turn 41, so this feature will be right in my sweet spot as well. I've often tried to put my finger on when and why hip-hop changed from something I ADORED to something I merely love, but it definitely happened well before the arrival of Fiddy.I think one thing that I miss in most of today's hip-hop is

I'am about to turn 41, so this feature will be right in my sweet spot as well. I've often tried to put my finger on when and why hip-hop changed from something I ADORED to something I merely love, but it definitely happened well before the arrival of Fiddy.I think one thing that I miss in most of today's hip-hop is

I remember getting choked up during the "Can't we all just get along" moment. It's not like Rodney King was ever going to be the spokesman for a generation, but it just struck me as an amazing thing for him to say at that moment in time. It still shocks me how quickly that line became a punchline everywhere…

Well, there's a huge gap between "No Elvis, Beatles and The Rolling Stones", or "Rap is not pop if you call it that then stop" and "OMG, LMFAO sucks, right?" LMFAO is hardly anyone's sacred cow.

Yah, otherwise insightful post marred by the opening line. Obama is a Republican in the same way that FDR, Truman and JFK were Republican.

Secret Wars. Patrick Warburton brings life to the Beyonder's bitchin' white jumpsuit.

I was listening to "Fresh Air" the other day, and Teri Gross closed the show with a sincere apology to everyone who had been having problems downloading the "Fresh Air" podcast. I think part of the reasons they are so effusive with apologies is that they are on a hair-thin edge of continued existence, and they can ill

Came here for "This is My Father", left disappointed. But seriously, "This is My Father".

I actually wish they hadn't shown the first dollar amount. $1M in San Francisco won't get you much more than a refrigerator box, never mind a storied recording studio. After costs and the bank loan, Crosby and Adam wouldn't end up with much of anything, plus they'd be out of work. Hopefully Dwayne Wayne's second offer

The other thing is that you typically have to pay a fee for every application you submit. Since Haddie doesn't have a j-o-b, at some point she would have had to go to Mom and Dad and ask for $100 to apply to Cornell - at which point a 'how are we gonna afford it if she gets in? ' conversation would have had to ensue.

I spent entirely too much time tracking down their cover of TLC's "Creep"

I keep waiting for "Tonight" to show up in some sparkly vampire movie, although I guess gettin bit by a sparkly vampire doesn't count as a private little trip to Hell…

The review that presented the effort to get the well zombie out as the team just needing to put one in the 'W' column in a world that has gone to shit applies more explicitly to the Sophia situation. It may be that only baldy-mom gave a rat's ass about the kid, and that the rest of the team was looking because they

I had a HUGE problem with the idea that Eli's ex would mount a campaign for ANYTHING with a Bin Laden in her closet (even if it was one of the good ones), or that she would essentially challenge Eli to uncover the fact…

Judgement Night or GTFO.