The Guy Behind the Guy Behind

MGMT - "Kids"
There've been covers, it's ubiquitous as hell, and it may not have changed the perception of the band, it put them on the map…

The car is another gaping hole…these windows are supposedly blacker than the obelisk from 2001, yet there's no problem getting a toll-booth-cam pic that Billy Campbell could use as a headshot for his next audition. The only way this works is if Holder is getting paid to tank the Richmond campaign - even though he may

Yo man
Cookypuss there?

Ugh, I'm with you stza. Distrurbingly plausible and utterly pointless. Kept waiting for it to build to a conclusion that tied up all the threads…it never came.

Interesting, cos for me, HLatN was my first real divergence from the metal years. Them and Phil Collins/Genesis. Like all of us, I've gone through a number of phases with music, but late-'84 through '86 sticks out like a sore thumb. Not ashamed of it, per se, just never really understood where it came from.

Pod F Tompkast
I have been waiting for this one to be great since the first episode, and this one finally brought it. The live bit from Largo was hilarious, and I really hope it becomes a regular thing. And the chat with Southie was finally funny…

Your points about Mamie made me realize another reason why I like this show so much. It presents litigators as tacticians moreso than any other show I can think of. I think Law & Order tries to do it from time to time, but there it's solely in the service of moving the plot forward. Here, we get to see recurring

Agreed that he's second to Hartman (RIP) in the go-to guy slot, but he also has the creepy phsyicality that Hartman couldn't have pulled off - not that he would have tried. Ferrell is probably only second to Belushi in that…

From the Christopher Guest oeuvre
I hate you, and I hate your ass face!

You ever been out west, Tommy? - At Close Range.

Like House of Pain was really going to do anything…

Yah, no reason to question Alicia's timing. On the one hand, betrayal is betrayal. On the other hand, there's a big difference between sleeping next to a guy who has slept with a bunch of nameless/faceless hookers and sleeping next to a man who has slept with a woman who you are going to have to see at work every day

Yes, it's Mike D.

I have the 12-inch and I am 96% certain it's La-di Da-di. I meant to post about that record back in the obsolete media thread from a while ago, because at one point Slick Rick does a couple lines from Sukiyaki ("It's all because of you, I'm feeling sad and blue…") and for some reason, that version of the song has

And what's the deal with Heidecker and Wood - are we supposed to be laughing? It works as a disturbingly accurate simulacrum of yacht rock while having lyrics that are sort of funny, I guess? Give me Lonely Island any day…

I just started up with CDR, but I grew up in a world where Dana Gould did the definitive Huell Howser. Now I hear this Adomian guy doing it. Has this ever been addressed? Has there ever been a Huell-off?

Anyone seen Tanya Morgan? They were my last *new* discovery prior to getting swept up in the Das Racist wave…

be able to trust him not to do something like that again. So basically, that last thing that Norse God said.

I dunno. I think Crosby has been stepping up since he discovered who Jabbar was. No he's not Adam, but Adam was born Adam. I can definitely see the costs-benefits analysis he must have been doing - if he's been doing everything he can to show he can be a responsible adult/father/partner and Jasmine can still pull the

Transcendence vs Catharsis
So as much as we all hate putting things into boxes around here (or maybe we love it, I don't even know anymore) - I think there's some value in bookending the 90's with grunge and nu-metal. It seems to me that the grunge movement took the 'we're all messed up in a million different ways and