The Guy Behind the Guy Behind

"She looks like a hooker. Could you love someone who looks like that?"

Reimagining, but you already knew that.

I never would have thought of Joel McHale for Fletch until this article, but I can see it. In many ways, I'd rather see a Fletch-themed episode of Community than a WB 'reimaginging'.

'Im would be Him minus the H, as opposed to I'm, which is how you read it. Other than that, you're 1000% correct and my new all-time hero

Silver lining
My win-to-loss ratio here is pitiful. The moral that I choose to take away from that is that Greg Dulli will indeed be doing one of the covers.

Is this still a thing? Well then:

Client: My best friend, my wife and I concocted a plan to blackmail the corrupt mayor of our little burg and now they're gone and I'm left holding the bag. Can you help me track them down so that I can exact my revenge?

There's no way doubling Alicia's salary to get Cary back into Lockhart Gardner is even on the table. High-profile firm in a market like Chicago is probably paying Alicia close to $200K in total compensation. $400k to Cary puts him close to partner money, and he is only in his second year of practice.