The Guy Behind the Guy Behind

I'm glad someone mentioned the tourists from the book. That piece stuck out, because it ended up seeming like a loose thread. Thinking about the tourist thing in the context of the Mexican delegation makes both things more problematic for me. There have been good points raised downthread about this being some global

Yes to this. My recollection of the supermarket scenes were that the shelves had a lot of empty space on them as compared to real-world markets of today where no space is wasted. Things were stacked and displayed artfully, but didn't give the overall impression of abundance.

They've got the Diplo connection too. If you haven't heard the Santi/Diplo mixtape Top Ranking, I would recommend.

I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention when the plan morphed into crashing Eros into Venus. I remember Holden's offhand comment, but once it was clear that Miller could influence the outcome, why not stick with the sun?

I am reading (well, listening to) the book concurrently, and I've just gotten to them arriving at the asteroid, and that sequence of events seems to make more sense. Can someone remind me why they went to the asteroid first in the show?

I remember reading an interview with Marr where's he's just gushing about Moz' vocal on this track, and it's always stuck with me. It was just nice to see that Marr, genius that he is, was as much a fan as he was a partner.

Parker Posey's participation in the Christopher Guest oeuvre makes you wrong.

And what goes in those graves other than Members Only jackets and Skrillex CD's?

There was a shot in the preview that maybe think the eye-opening thing that happens to Korl in the books is gonna happen to TV's Korl next week…

I keep expecting her to be 10 pounds heavier and have to justify it with Rick and Daryl as essential to the long game they're playing…

I actually liked the Tobin scene, because you never see shows where someone says 'You know what, I have been way out of my depth this whole time, and the new guy is absolutely the right choice for the job". I also believe it's possible he just didn't want to be out there in the first place, but either way, at least we

Mine was a little Canadian power trio that you all may have heard of. I am of course, referring to Triumph. 1986 - Oakland Coliseum.

I initially read Paul Westerberg as Paul Weller and was all in. Weller's been prolific and well-reviewed as a solo artist, but I haven't heard anything that holds up when compared to The Jam or The Style Council. And I'd really like to.

Shame that, when there are so many positive things to say. I kid, I kid. I actually do like the idea of making her a moderate Repub just fine - not that her affiliation makes the tiniest difference post-apocalypse.

They've got an openly gay recon unit, so I don't think that works…

This was appointment TV for 11-year-old me, although even then I could sense some of the pandering. And that laugh track was rough. I feel like there was a storyline or maybe general undercurrent of chemistry between Jennifer and Slash - and I've always been a sucker for those 'crossing the divides' plots (which were

Has anyone heard whether or not the old series will be included in Marvel Unlimited? I read a few issues when I was a kid but would locve to revisit (without buying the omnibi or individual issues).

That's a good song

Another vote for 'Hero' here. I have no idea how that song even came about, but I'd be all about a full album.

Just finished reading A Brief History of Seven Killings, and by 'reading' I mean listening to the audio book version of. I highly recommend the audio version as there's a large voice cast and the Jamaican patois is on point (to my ears). I thought it started out REALLY strong but kind of fell apart in the end. There