"You've heard of Serial?… Hello? Hello? What is that sound? Are you choking? Gargling?"
"You've heard of Serial?… Hello? Hello? What is that sound? Are you choking? Gargling?"
"How was your day?"
"I, uh… I… Well, I made child Jesus cry."
"Oh. Wow. Gosh. I was going to complain about the copier getting jammed again, but, um… you win."
I have not heard that quote before, and it is instantaneously one of my favorites ever.
"Riggs! Get in here! I'm sick of your loose-cannon antics! Loose-cannons are responsible for all the wars! You will turn in your badge, but you will blow me first!!"
Yeah, I think hearing about that "Mr. Kite" example might have been the first time I had a sense of what a producer did, instead of just nodding to the beat from behind glass and saying, "Perfect, baby!" into a mic afterward.
The amazing thing about 28 Weeks Later is every scene in the movie is slightly worse than the one that comes before it. Starts great, and by the end has slowly morphed in to the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen.
They had me at "from In Bruges director."
Government should be run like a business!
It's a sort of insane variation on the Roman "pan et circenses" philosophy of those with power being able to do virtually anything, so long as — wait, did you say Friends is on??
Always liked The Beatles (bold statement, I know), but It wasn't until I started learning guitar that I came to really see the artistic complexity he brought to the music. The way he could take "clever" and mold it in to art. I mean, the guitar line on "Blackbird," alone? Are you kidding me?
Yeah, that shot of the Dothraki I just was overcome with "Holy shit, do I not care about this."
"Oh for heaven's… okay, I've now eaten his body, okay?? We're going to sit here until l digest him and crap out the remains. Will THAT convince you?!"
"I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)" would have had SO much more emotional punch.
I saw Dark Star way too young. My older brother loved it, and I loved space movies, so…
Edward Scissored-Head
You'll get the "munchies" for a CALIFORNIA CHEESEBURGER!!
Is it an option to put them in a room together, and watch through a two-way mirror until the talented guy explodes in to flames?
My wife is really, really in to basic cable Christmas movies. Sometimes I watch with her to be, you know, decent. There was one, don't know what it was called, or what channel, but it starred Tom Arnold, and starts as a standard Christmas Carol, then suddenly Christmas Past gets sick of people never listening to him…
yeah, Rhe Ompire Trikes Jack. What's your confusion?
What I love so much about the editing in Easy Rider is that's it's just all wrong, formally speaking, and yet becomes something amazing.