Edmond Dantes Inferno

The original lyrics were: "Get it on/ behead a throng"

It's a niche market, to be sure.

The A.V. Club


"Klaatu! Barata! Right-on!"

It's still coming out as a guttural howl. "Take off, AAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!"

We also know you hate Johnny Depp's dogs.

Well, Vertigo, too, certainly. Especially in the first half.

"Oi! Set coordinates for Alderaan!"
"Yeh far too tresting, Preencess…"

"No, it's fine. I can walk to the curb from here."

Yeah, fuck this list. Come on, Viva La Tabula Raza. Let's go get sushi and not pay.

Dude, you butchered that quote.

"Just - let's try— think … before you…"

Coming, this summer, from director Angelina Jolie: Brad Thinks He's So Cool, But You Know What? He's Not

And it was shown on television - notice I didn't call it TV. TV is a nickname. Nicknames are for friends, and television is no friend of mine.

The actual content is hilarious, but the premise is so inspired, that you're sort of laughing in awe the whole time.

John Wick 2: The Wickening

Goodnight, arachnids! *Stomp*

Say what you will about Climate Change deniers; at least it's an ethos.

Eyein' Gold