Edmond Dantes Inferno

I spectre performance to be excellent.

I like to think that's a misspelling of "perennially."

"Too! — many dancing people, covered with blood, gore, and glop!!"

"What the hell is 'New Chianti'?"

Celebrity Sniper

Tune in tonight for the premiere of The Guy Who Shoots Things, right after the exciting mid-season finales of Rifleman and Long-Distance Accurate Gun Person ! It's all part of our warm-up to the 24-hour Shoot Gunnington marathon this Saturday!

The origin story, Shoo , left something to be desired.

"Your place or mine?"
"Um, I heard you cum for more than 6 minutes at a time. Is that true?"
"Sure is."
"Your place."

I can't wait for the spin-off, Spotter !

It speaks a lot to our cultural priorities that while large-scale film productions have gotten hyper-cautious with The Talent, a lot of off-screen work still has a very "Hey, do you want the job or not?" approach to safety.

Correct. I am booing this news.

Son, a woman is a lot like a… refrigerator! They're about six feet tall… 300 pounds. They make ice, and um… Oh, wait a minute! Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good; you'd step over your own mother just to get one! But you can't stop at one! You wanna drink another woman!

I am not saying Boo-urns.

Oh, how I wish that said "Yanni" at the end…

"What the hell, man? Dude gives up his hopes and dreams to help his town then jumps off a bridge and kills himself? 'It's A Wonderful Life,' my ass! Oh, wait, there's a "continue" button…"

That George Lucas… what an imagination!

Box-office pull?

I've never found him particularly funny (though there are some inspired bits), but what made him Important was that he was a black comic in a time of terrible civil unrest and continued cultural segregation who became enormously successful with an act built on the premise that he was a human being with a family and

Yeah, he was here and I was so angry with myself for missing it - now I'm split between being glad I did, and wishing I could have gone while I still would have believed I was in the presence of comedy history.

"Mr. James! Are you aware that your comments generated a million down votes last year?!"
"You're right, I did get a million down votes last year. I expect to get a million down votes this year. I expect to get a million down votes next year. You know, at the rate of a million down votes a year, I'll have to stop