Edmond Dantes Inferno

"Frank, just take the money."
"NO! I will NOT be corrupted! This city DESERVES honest cops!"
"Frank, for fuck's sake, it's your pension. You earned it. Take it and go home."

We're earthlings! We should stick forks in earth-things!

Sharks rarely give you smoking monkeys, though.

That man never made a lawyer joke in his life.

This is a great era to examine. And Luhrmann is categorically the wrong guy to do it.

Looks like someone needs to put on their happy face!

It's hard to believe they didn't foresee how badly combining those two magazines was going to go…

Although how great would it be if Goodman turned up in Avengers 2?

He looks like he's just told you he'll paint any car for $99.

It's all those firsty-groupies.

That's because non-emoji people don't have "sex." They make looooooove.

She's Kim-Jong Un?

"Woody Guthrie sang about [sick] B-E-E-T-S!
Not [sick] B-E-A-T-S!"
- X, "I Must Not Think [Sick] Thoughts"



Me too.

Or do, and then right as you're about to climax, whisper, "I'm wearing a condom" and then HOLD ON!

"Steve would you like to lead the 5:30 buffet crowd in saying grace?"

I know what he means, but when I think of Repo Man , "wonderful innocence" is not the phrase that leaps to mind.

Absolutely. But, the suits have a couple of notes. Instead of Quaid, can it be, say, Channing Tatum? And instead of fucking his wife, can it be blowing up iconic locations while fighting aliens? And, instead of her wearing a Rupert Murdoch mask, can it be that he's saying pithy things while he kills said aliens?