helmet head

Seconded that I had no idea "Whip It" was a shout out to Jimmy Carter. And I didn't think that song could be any more awesome.

Agreed with the comment starting the thread. Accelerate is good, not great. Maybe it seems great by comparison with the execrable Around the Sun?

"That's my purse! I don't know you!"

"That's my purse! I don't know you!"

You have nuts, you have tits…
…you're Jermajesty.

Mark Pellington
This is the dude who directed Pearl Jam's "Jeremy" video.

Great, just great!
Now we'll have to wait even longer for a new CGI/live action Garfield movie!

This would be news if…
…Kanye were bringing Good Burger to Chicago.

How many is…
…a gabazillion?

Sol: My shadow…always choking me…

In memory of dougery, I'd like to point out that what's really stupid about realty is the low APR financin'.

I don't need anyone's pity.


Yes, "He's So Shy" was definitely featured in the episode.

This is all well and good, but…
…when will they update the Ungame?

And don't get me started on the TPS reports…

So…does anyone else remember the Pointer Sisters' appearance on the Love Boat? I remember them forming a band with Isaac the bartender, and some record exec—who just happened to be on the Love Boat as well—wanted to sign them, but was like, "You gotta get rid of that dude", and the sisters were all, "No way—we can't

…how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!?

Remember when the Top 40 wasn't forcibly downloaded into that chip?

"Theme From Dr. Pyser" by Ben Folds Five
Technically not an instrumental what with the brief "bah-bah-bah" vocals, but does it count if the vocals aren't actual words?