I too once loved Lara Logan

Adam Sandler would win with his brain melting stupidity.

I remain faihful to my wife mtly out of laziness these day. Truth is i would rather be playing Warcraft thn putting all that effort into having an affair.

I "thought" this article was kind of "ridiculous"…
also the show Two and a Half "Men" really "sucks".

or your local library!

also, masturbating.

hmmm… well she got cancer and had to have her tits cut off. that might account for some of it.

is Leonard Pierce coming back?

quiet you!

I'm a huge fantasy fan, and I know that Wolf is probably the genre's most important author, but I have just not been able to get into him for some reason.

the dog was speaking French the whole time. Those fucking surrender monkeys. Shit always goes wrong because of the fucking french.

has there every been a more appropriate time to say this?

you just got Francoed, bitches!


ass to ass!

ass to ass!

the twist is that the dog killed her. and ate her. and then someone says "ass to ass" and something blows up.


I bet you something in this movie is going to explode!

and just a plain old death isn't going to button this thing up the right way. We need something spectacular, but ironic. Like Spiderman getting decapitated and the severed head landing in an audience member's lap, facing up, still mouthing words for a few seconds after its death, like in Doom Generation.

I am very interested in cookies. Also, rape.