I too once loved Lara Logan

wouldn't it be awesome for the whole city to just burn? I mean, like the whole thing goes up at once this giant fireball of conflagration. We could sell tickets to watch it. People could camp out miles away with beer and some snacks and just watch the thing go up in flames.

that really is going to be the only satisfying way for this all to end. Someone needs to die.

holy crap, shore patrol changed his profile pic!

I would be perfect as the lead in an adaptation of Earth Abides.

Hemorrhoid Sufferer # 5

the internet was invented so people could share pictures of their adorable cats.

If someone would just do an all CGI, 3-D version of the Bible. That would be freakin' awesome man.

I'll see them in Chicago, I wish explosions was opening though. National is pretty good but Explosions + Arcade is pretty fucking epic.

I am so surprised this movie isn't any good