Pontifex Minimus

My youngest is usually a complete sucker for this kind of stuff.  He's grown out of Teletubbies but still lives on PBS Kids and Nick Jr.  So, when we saw the giant ad for this movie in the lobby when we went to see Brave (which I knew was going to be a little too mature for him, but his older brother really wanted to

Bill has anger management issues, which he is plying out in the underground fights.  Hicks' alpha ability was so undependable that he washed out in professional sports, got depressed, and became an alcoholic.  Both are related to their alpha abilities, though that has definitely not been as developed since the first

Bill has anger management issues, which he is plying out in the underground fights.  Hicks' alpha ability was so undependable that he washed out in professional sports, got depressed, and became an alcoholic.  Both are related to their alpha abilities, though that has definitely not been as developed since the first

Minor point — Bohannon wasn't "re-enter[ing] his train quarters" — last season he, as foreman, lived in a tent.  That train car was the Swede's.

Minor point — Bohannon wasn't "re-enter[ing] his train quarters" — last season he, as foreman, lived in a tent.  That train car was the Swede's.

Durant has a wife back East.

Durant has a wife back East.

Brilliant as AT is, this is not some new invention.  Bacon pancakes have existed ever since people realized you could put things into pancake batter.  Stop at any greasy spoon diner in the South and you will find it on the menu.

Brilliant as AT is, this is not some new invention.  Bacon pancakes have existed ever since people realized you could put things into pancake batter.  Stop at any greasy spoon diner in the South and you will find it on the menu.

I hang out on several religiously-oriented sites (which means they draw a lot of whackos, both religious and atheist — the kind of people who can work the phrase "wake up, you stupid sheep!" into every conversation).  There have been people foaming at the mouth about this show for weeks, some vowing never to watch it

Rom's "character development" is so dramatic I have to call it a retcon.

This is my theory too.  Sir Richard had a legal contract saying that Vera couldn't blab her story to any other papers, but she was just crazy enough to do it anyway, so he had to shut her up permanently to protect Mary's reputation.  He paid O'Brien to keep him informed of Bates' visits to London, then killed her and

If you look carefully, you'll see that *lots* of things we'd expect to have right angles, don't.  Hallways, windows, those cages where they kept the captured Cylons locked up, had rounded corners or octagonal shapes.  Sometimes you would see gridwork or metal mesh where the holes were rhombus-shaped. I figured that

Another social aspect of the 1918 epidemic (and this is partly an answer to Toastpop's question) is that most of the combatant nations censored news of the flu in order to keep up morale.  The reason it was called the "Spanish flu" is because Spain was neutral in the war, so when the flu popped up the Spanish press

Juliette says "It just got normal" in the show, meaning her family life had just gotten normal, and then she was raped.  Which isn't accurate or anything, but it was the only scene in the episode that was actually moving or interesting.  (OK, Buffy decking Logan was fun.)

Yes!  Though I think this is mostly the fault of the way that Masterpiece Theater re-edits the original episodes.  In Britain, the premier was 60 minutes (plus commercials), and each following episode was 45 minutes.  The first 2-hour episode on Masterpiece had the first two episodes and I think bits of the third, and

Well, if they're 9 years apart IRL, they could easily be, say, 13 or 14 years apart on screen.  The idea of O'Brian being a teen mother who had to give up her baby would maybe explain some of her bitterness toward everyone other than Thomas.

"Promotion"?  I think you need to a refresher in British Class Oppression, Meredith.  There were classes even within the servant class—Daisy is lower class than the ladies' maids just like an Earl is a lower class than a Duke.  She doesn't have the refinement to be a lady's maid or even a house maid.  She is being

It's a little late to bring this up because it applies to last episode, but while talking about this show with one of my friends she told me that the scene on the bridge was a call-back to a scene in the original VD books — except that in the book, Elena did crash off the bridge, drown, and turn into a vampire.  And

No, in season 1 she lived with her Grams, and Grams had just told her that she was a witch.  Bonnie didn't believe her and thought that Grams was going crazy until magic things started happening.  Bonnie went to live with her dad during the summer, which is why the character wasn't in the first few episodes of this