Pontifex Minimus

I just assumed that Bonnie's parents were not married or even in a serious relationship.  If her Mom and Dad were not really close, then it would make sense that Abby would give her baby her own surname, and that Bonnie would be raised by her maternal grandmother rather than her father.  It kind of paints Bonnie's dad

I may be professionally biased, but the "religious mumbo-jumbo" is one of the things I like best about DS9 and BSG.  Religion is a very important part of our society, but most sci-fi pretends it doesn't exist, or creates a caricature (or is just ham-fisted evangelism).  Those two shows portrayed religion and

The time in the wormhole could have been edited down some to be tighter, sure, but it I think you're dismissing it too lightly.  Sisko's meeting with the Prophets is the centerpiece of the episode.  You're wrong that the Prophets are "an outside force that swoops in" — they are important characters, integral to this

As I said in a different thread — on Justified, if it's not a head shot or a glass of apple pie, he's not dead.

I don't think that this show really does "never speak of it again" with important plot points.  However I think that Art, to some extent, forgave Raylan for the thing that they've never talked about after Winona told Art that Raylan went to the Bennetts to get Loretta.

In this show — if it is not a bullet to the brain or a glass of apple pie, they're still alive.

Not just him — Dewey Crowe and Dickey Bennett together!  I know it seems silly — out of all the guys in that prison, those two would happen to be together and having a conversation, right when Boyd shows up?  Did they even know each other before prison?  What do they have in common besides being little shits from

I've been re-watching it since it showed up on Netflix.  I remember it as being soooo good, and I was surprised at how weak the first two seasons where.  I thought that, like a lot of other shows I enjoyed when younger, it "hadn't aged well" (which really means that I have aged badly).

Really?  What's so hard to understand?  Last season she was crushing on Thomas because he the bad boy, and we all got to feel sorry for William while he mooned over her.  Daisy stopped liking Thomas when he manipulated her into lying about Bates, but that doesn't mean that she suddenly changed her attitude and fell

I agree with you wholeheartedly . . . but BBCA does edit a few minutes out of each Doctor Who (and they cut about 15 minutes out of the Christmas specials!).

WWI was, in fact, the turning point in the way that PTSD was perceived and treated in Britain and America.  It had long been dismissed as cowardice or a lack of moral fiber, but by the early 20th century the new science of psychology and psychoanalysis had begun to trickle in to the public consciousness.  The terms

I'm not a lawyer, but I have done a lot of marriage counselling.  A pre-nup has no bearing on the validity of a marriage license, it is just a personal contract stating what the two parties will do in the event of a divorce.  As such, it has to conform to the contract laws in the state where it was signed, but if a

It was going to be released this fall, then delayed until summer 2012.  Recent rumors are that it has been delayed again until sometime in 2013.  No explanation as to why, though they have said that the voice recording is done.


Either my DVR or my CW affiliate hashed last night's broadcast.  Random pauses, skips, audio cutting out—anyone else experience this or was it just me?  I am not going to read the review or the comments to avoid spoilers until I can watch it.  Does anyone know where I can see this without having to wait for the free

Pretty sure you mean "drama", not "levity".

I didn't see an opening quote either, but maybe my DVR cut it off.  I also thought Hansel and Gretel for about a minute, until they got into bed.

By 1000 AD, pretty much all of Europe had been Christianized (Iceland  officially converted at right about the millenium.  They all got together and voted on it.)  Whenever people converted, they started naming their children after Biblical heros or saints, sometimes converts even changed their own names when they

I assumed it was the other witch — the one that wasn't their mother.  It sounded like she was more powerful than the "original" witch.  She would have known the runic language, could have been in the right place to see it happen, and cast the spell that keeps vampires out of the cave.

This is not too outlandish.  Hebraic names were not uncommon in northern and central Europe a thousand years ago, especially among the lower and middle classes.  The stories from the Old Testament (Elijah, Rebekah) and the lives of the saints (Michael, Nicolas) were very popular.