Pontifex Minimus

I know we try to keep it high-minded here, but….
What is wrong with that woman's abdomen? Is that some weird super-bra she's wearing? Does the bottom of her ribcage need extra armor for some reason? Do female kryptonians have a vestigial pair of arms they keep folded against their stomachs? It's freaking me out.

I don't know if it was really one click, but this did happen at a company I worked at about 10 years ago. Perfect storm of stupid - the admins had set up a list of everyone to send office-wide notifications, but didn't properly secure it. Then someone managed to accidentally type that list name into the address

When I went to seminary in the 90s, I'm pretty sure they were still operating on our brains. And we had reeeeally strict rules about no girls in the dorms - which was kind of funny because a lot of my fellow students didn't want to sneak girls in anyway.

Well, it was certainly more intense for the character — but the beating happened off-screen to a bad-guy whose name I have already forgotten. Jarvis's interrogation was way more intense for the audience because we got to see it, and we like Jarvis, and D'Arcy really sold the emotion. Since this is a mini-series

Be wary of getting historical information from Wikipedia. I don't know if the Typhoid Mary article in particular has any issues, but most historical articles are mediocre at best, and at worst they get taken over by an idiot with an axe to grind.

Those old-timey X-ray machines didn't "aim" anywhere. You can see on the show - the thing is built like a lamp, not a gun. Turn it on and every square inch of the room is bathed in X-rays. And the uranium core is probably not shielded at a all so the thing is just leaking alpha particles all day.

I've figured it out, guys! The thing with the gas in the generator made me realize what this show is all about. In retrospect, it was so obvious . . .

She hasn't been living in the same town as her son. She went to rehab during or after her divorce from Conrad, then had Jack, then moved to California. If the "19 years" on her sobriety coin is accurate, she finally got sober about a decade after she moved. It's perfectly plausible that her after her initial stint

Someone threw a ball of fire at his face that momentarily overwhelmed his flame protection—you can see his face turn from blue to brown for a second. He rubs his face to put the flames out, and when he takes his hands away his eyes are larger and a different color.

So any chance this show will be added to regular TV Club coverage during season 2?  While it is not the best show in the world, it is the best show on Monday nights right now (admittedly, that's a pretty low bar).  

"The Lobster Box" is the worst strip club name ever.

There was a hint at the end that this is going to go down a kind of Supernatural-meets-The-Da-Vinci-Code path with magic and reincarnation and mystical Catholic conspiracies.  If they do go that route, then it will be an 11 on your hate-watch scale, because I got bored with The Event after about 3 episodes, but I

Well, Aramaic did survive as a vernacular language in the Near East until the Middle Ages, and it survives as a liturgical language in some Syriac and Chaldean Orthodox Christian churches to this day.  So maybe Klaus just spent the 10th century hanging out in Syria?  I would have—it was way nicer than Europe at the

Shane explained that:  Quetsiya (is that really how it is spelled?) buried Silas after he jilting her.  She buried him far away from home so his followers could not find him (and I guess the east coast of North America counted as the end of the Earth to someone from the Near East thousands of years ago?  Better not

All the vervain in town was burned up when the Council died, which seems like months ago to us but in the show's timeline was like a week an a half ago.  There probably won't be any vervain grown until next spring, which for us will probably be season 7.  And they can't go to the next town over and buy some more

Bodies, which are made of meat, can float.  Guns are made of metal which tends to sink.  Also, a little known feature of boats like the "Amanda" is that they can leave the dock and sail out to the middle of the deep ocean where a sinking object could never possibly be found.

Bodies, which are made of meat, can float.  Guns are made of metal which tends to sink.  Also, a little known feature of boats like the "Amanda" is that they can leave the dock and sail out to the middle of the deep ocean where a sinking object could never possibly be found.

My CW affiliate had a weird problem with the audio last night — the dialog was almost completely muted, but the music and incidental sounds (gunshots, sirens, etc) were at full volume.  I didn't realize it was a mistake, so when  I was watching the bank heist in the beginning, I thought that it was a deliberate

My CW affiliate had a weird problem with the audio last night — the dialog was almost completely muted, but the music and incidental sounds (gunshots, sirens, etc) were at full volume.  I didn't realize it was a mistake, so when  I was watching the bank heist in the beginning, I thought that it was a deliberate

My youngest is usually a complete sucker for this kind of stuff.  He's grown out of Teletubbies but still lives on PBS Kids and Nick Jr.  So, when we saw the giant ad for this movie in the lobby when we went to see Brave (which I knew was going to be a little too mature for him, but his older brother really wanted to