
Is this a "first-pumping moment"?

"Duck Tales" is where I learned that naming your airship the Hindentanic is a colossally bad idea.  It both caught fire and hit an iceberg.

I am pretty sure I haven't seen this movie in over twenty years, but what sticks with me is the Gangster's final scene, foreshadowed here:  "Don't you understand, yam sausages!"

TSR was trying to break into bookstores at the time, but I think many of the Endless Quest books were being sold in hobby stores alongside the D&D books.  There were several CYOA knock-offs coming out at the time, too, so they could have been lost in the shuffle.

I actually like "The Man… With All… The Toys."  I guess this means I won't be hearing it much this holiday season.

I actually like "The Man… With All… The Toys."  I guess this means I won't be hearing it much this holiday season.

The more I think about it, the more I think all of these reasons are in play:  Zoe's love, Wash's skills, Mal's ability to withstand torture.  Zoe's a practical gal, and these all would have entered into her reasoning.  She probably wouldn't have stopped to weigh the particular merits of each.  There are all these

The more I think about it, the more I think all of these reasons are in play:  Zoe's love, Wash's skills, Mal's ability to withstand torture.  Zoe's a practical gal, and these all would have entered into her reasoning.  She probably wouldn't have stopped to weigh the particular merits of each.  There are all these

One question I've always had about this episode:  How much is Zoe's choice based on love for her husband, and how much is based on the fact that Wash is the only one who can perpetrate the complex slingshot maneuver she needs to storm the skyplex?

One question I've always had about this episode:  How much is Zoe's choice based on love for her husband, and how much is based on the fact that Wash is the only one who can perpetrate the complex slingshot maneuver she needs to storm the skyplex?

I realize it's unfair sometimes to apply logic to a show about magic, but there's a big flaw in "A Hole in The World" that has always bothered me.  When Angel and Spike are told that Illyria would destroy everyone it encounters between LA and Britain, and they hold off, I thought "What?  Is there a colony of Morlocks

In the future, no one uses question marks.

The Night Stalker remake with Townsend was nothing like the original.  They kept the name and the car (yellow Mustang), and that's about it.  I suspect a faithful remake could do well, even though Depp is no Darren McGavin.

Don't trust the Spielberg in Apt. 23.

As much as I enjoy Rabin's writing, I have to disagree with him here.  I don't think "The Frighteners" is a flop.  In my circles, it's reached cult status.  Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think it's much too beloved to fit this column.

The German newspaper network in this country stayed surprisingly vibrant until WWI killed it.  Also, a lot has been written about how modern Hispanic immigration differs from 19th century European immigration:  there's a lot more communication (both physically and electronically) with the mother country, thanks to

The German newspaper network in this country stayed surprisingly vibrant until WWI killed it.  Also, a lot has been written about how modern Hispanic immigration differs from 19th century European immigration:  there's a lot more communication (both physically and electronically) with the mother country, thanks to

"It might’ve been better for REO Speedwagon if that had happened, because
the video format was ill-suited for a bunch of aging, paunchy
arena-rockers. By the end of the ’80s, Speedwagon and its peers had been
ushered away from the mainstream of pop culture and toward county

The Zapruder Film
"…some people, who had apparently been hoping to basically watch unedited security camera footage of a bunch of strangers on a desert island—reacted as if Mark Burnett and CBS had been caught inserting Imperial storm troopers into the Zapruder film…"

I didn't realize until I looked up pictures of DiMaggio online that they made Aquaman look like him as well. I so miss that show.