
Does it count if it's not really the last episode? "Objects in Space" may have been the last shot, but "The Message" was the last to air. In some ways, that works better as a finale because of how it touches on Mal & Zoe's war experiences, and has a moving funeral. On the DVDs it's even remarked how the music for

As I was reading, I kept expecting Sim to be #17. I don't know if he's granted many interviews besides Tasha's, but she had to fax him questions. It was insane. Maybe he's just too obscure to be "notoriously" prickly, but he should have gotten an honorable mention.

Paul Dini
I remember reading an interview with Dini where he talks about this episode. He was rather nervous with part one, because it was basically just a crime story, without any superheroics (Batman shows up, but no supervillain). It was the first time they had attempted that, and he wasn't sure how the audience