
Or a wedding ring (which it looked closer too). The week break could have been explained as an elopement and quick honeymoon.

I think you are spot on with your Joe analysis. I think the show started out wanting to be that way (a story of Joe as a Jobsian force), but realized that viewers didn't know enough about Joe to actually like him or care about him and that it was more important to focus on the secondary characters of Cameron, Gordon,

I had high expectations, but this pretty much met all of them! Funny while dealing with some weighty issues (and not in a 'very special episode' way). Really good stuff!

"Phoenix is eyeing a role in Mary Magdalene, starring opposite Carol’s Rooney Mara as the eponymous washer of feet." - Or, rather Mary of Bethany was the one who washed the feet (not even counting Jesus being the most famous washer of feet). You do realize there is more than one Mary in the Bible, right?

I think that Jane set the time loop after Martin was an adult, so even though Quentin and Alice went back in time, only older Martin knew of the loop (as it only seemed to affect him at that age). Also, Dean Fogg mentioned having a certain amount of magical power to identify a loop in the first place, so younger

I can't really believe people are slamming this season after the train wreck that was Season 2. Have people really forgotten how bad that was? I mean I know we all want a return to Season 1 quality, but it's almost like the show has to build a foundation up to that considering the depths they sunk to. So I'm fine with

One thing I find interesting and somewhat glossed over is that Matt and Mary had been trying to have a kid for 10 years. Then all of a sudden, in Miracle, when Matt says Mary "woke up" and they had sex, pregnant. Which adds to the supernaturalness of it and the 'specialness' of Miracle (to John's chagrin).

Man, Pastor Matt Jamison focused episodes completely wreck me. I guess it is no surprise his favorite book of it Bible is Job. At some point the guy has to catch a break, right?

While I think the horrible sex talk was exaggerated in Helen's POV, I do find it interesting that in Helen's view of Max and Noah's view of Max from last season, that Max is a total douche (who has his moments every once in a while). When Helen and Noah POV's agree on something, I'd comfortable thinking that's the

That POV may make Noah into a fun to read author. Exaggerated personalities are far more interesting and sells better than more realistic ones.

Maybe the white midwesterner is just Stonewall's Piper Chapman? That's the explanation I would have given, Emmerich.

Of course the way Frank would say it is: "The rat; you forgot about it's company, I think".

Also, it's not brie cheese..

That a perfect series finale (you know after #andamovie )! Amazingly well done. Also who would have thought Community would make me tear up?

There are two episodes left in the season, so I can see it as her revealing it to Major in the beginning of next episode, or as part of a cliffhanger at the end of this season.

I love this show… even though every time I see the title I can't get "GAAAA LAAAAA VAAAANT" out of my head (and for those of you who just got earwormed - you are welcome)

I think in general the 13-episode season is far better than 20something episodes for any show; not just Elementary.

Amusingly, I really can't stand Luisa and am happier when she is out of the picture.

You say that like it is a bad thing

Man, that Winston and Coach conversation when Coach was taking more stuff had me on the floor with laughter. That poor TV. May be one of the best season finales I have ever seen.