
The ending… I am really enjoying how the show is doing a "it's a small world after all" thing with all its secondary characters - Ravi and Major being roomies, Lieutenant and Blaine working together for eviiiil, Lowell buying from Blaine, Liv's bro applying for a job (and likely going to work) for Blaine. Now Peyton

Though, to be fair, Jane the Virgin actually may indeed be that good. Every episode is just incredibly well done.

I saw it as Phil & Carol are probably going to end up settling in Houston next season.

So Amazon has decided to wisely decided to capture the 'Y Tu Mama Tambien' fan demographic in leading roles for its original programing - Gael Garcia Bernal for Mozart in the Jungle and now Diego Luna for this one.

Making Petra sympathetic was something I never thought would happen when watching the first few episodes of the show. Well done, show. Well done.

One wonders if Utopium's effects are unknown to the gang, or if Blaine's organization is much bigger than first assumed… (or perhaps he's a major buyer)

AJ got mostly punched though. I didn't see any scratches. Maybe you need the scratch so that it gets into the blood or something? Or maybe AJ comes back later as zombie?

I'd rather not spend $70 on an Apple TV in addition to the $15 a month. In 3 months time, when HBO Now comes to Roku/Amazon Fire/Chromecast, whatever, then can re-evaluate. Heck, even the $20 a month for the core package would be $60 for the 3 month period - cheaper than an Apple TV.

This show is already so much fun and its only episode 2! Definitely a DVR keeper (though I watched it live - a rarity). I LOVE the meta conversation of Blaine musing about whether zombies are overplayed and deciding not.

I enjoyed the season but I wasn't a fan of the last two episodes. Too much "look at dumb rubes from Indiana are" stuff. That's not exactly the height of humor. The show would have been infinitely better if Randy was not a character.

That'd be a fun plot thread one week - she goes to down on a baddie and next week absorbs the bad parts (before she chooses to not do those things - as she did with the kleptomania). Cumulative abilities would be great as well, but they have to make sure they don't Sylar-ize her and make so overly powerful that there

"Liv goes “full zombie” one time, and I hope they don’t go to that well too often. It was… not great." - You take that back! That was pretty awesome; though it would have been more awesome if they let her feed on crooked beardy cop. Ah well, a nice extra superpower to have. (also, show was awesome!)

Why not? Underwood is obviously based on House whips Newt Gingrich (from 1989 to 1995) and Tom DeLay (from 1995 to 2003). They were extraordinarily powerful whips. The only "unrealistic" thing was that a Democratic whip could force party discipline ;).

I understand the complaint that Jamal and Hakeem going at each other (while each being pushed by a different parent), while Andre waits in the wings, is the most compelling overarching plot. However, if that's all the plot is, it'll easily get stale and formulaic. At some point you gotta explore the other rivalries

You wanting to know and the person wanting to tell are two different things. If I knew someone was going to die, I wouldn't want to tell them either.

I'd imagine realizing this guy you are working cases with is going to die (and likely soon considering the vision Corrigan doesn't look much older than current Corrigan) is good enough motivation, I'd think, to be reluctant to reveal it. I wouldn't be all that jumping at the bit to tell someone they were likely going

I think it was actually fairly obvious that the girls were putting the alive girl in some form of trance. I don't actually mind when shows decide not to spell every little thing out. It respects the audience a bit.

I rated the episode an A, personally. I thought the mood was dark and atmospheric, the villain fantastically evil, and I loved the ending to the tale (what is true justice) as well as the surprise. I simply don't understand his points that things just happen due to "the story demands" rather than from the characters.

C-?! Are you kidding me? With reviewers like these…

Seriously. Most of the show's run has shown Robert as totally and horribly wrong. This, if anything, is a gentle corrective to show that Robert isn't a complete moron.