
A+++++ answerer

sounds like you're playing them well. keep at it.

they're not american, remember, so the idea we have of "while(show==profitable) { makeMore(); }" isn't really their bag. i could appreciate them ending on a high note instead of trying to wring the dirty comedy rag dry.

yeah, gondry has recurring dreams with the large hands in Everlong.

and i coulda sworn i saw ron jeremy in there.

no, this is GOOD change. the animation is no longer suffused with the essence of 1993, there are some fresh (and effective) gags, and hell, if you really want to see the old intro, watch one of the hundreds of previous episodes.

this terminator episode seemed like the beginning of the next chapter, which would explain some of the boringness; the4oretically they have decent ideas about how to amp up the action and come to some sort of season finale excitingness. i'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

that'd be pretty swell; a primetime series 70's exploitation style.

this had better live up to the comparisons to Cameron on Terminator that Fox is making.

presumably jack would claim his real goal was to find Dubaku, who was only not there because he couldn't keep himself from that hot american poon.

i'm definitely looking forward to an episode like this one as a finale or penultimate episode of the season, to get some actual questions answered about Bell. i was quite pleased with the efficacy with which this episode answered several outstanding mysteries, or at least proffered plausible possibilities (i.e. Loeb

jail? Not today.

the point remains that people got hurt despite jack's best angry browbeating of officials at all levels of government. better than the alternative, i suppose.

while we're on the subject of previous seasons, i found it especially amusing when the president was exclaiming how extraordinary and outrageous it was to accuse someone in her administration of being corrupt. i mean, considering the last 12 in-universe years have seen 8 presidents (not even counting Prescott's

her skin is probably being rejuvenated by all the sweaty traitor sex she's not having anymore, and all the chillin in vats of liquid.

your grandfather was an avclubber?

there's ALWAYS a guy named Big Tony.

as i understand it, "ich bin ein Berliner" is like saying "i am a Danish." on the one hand, it does leave open a pastry-related meaning, but on the other hand, you can't just go to someone's country and say "I'm Danish!" it would be confusing. i guess in this case you'd have to pretend that Dane isn't the more correct

I think we can all agree that Roland has, from time to time, happened to be named as director on movies containing cool images. i would even admit to a fondness for the movie, excluding the cigar-smoking jingoistic swaggering that permeates the latter half. but independence day was not a novel-esque movie by any

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