
yeah the whole point was that derek was the flimsy kyle reese stand-in, so what's he gonna do now? feel emotions for a couple scenes? and these characters never come alone, either.

i bet she works for massive dynamic..

my first reaction was "bret mckenzie..?"

the "he stole change to use the payphone cause reception sucks under this bridge" deduction was pretty okay too, and i was pretty much in quinn's position when she reported that the woman in jersey had him landscape her yard. it's always refreshing when a detective makes a connection that wasn't obvious to me… she's

someone else may have done it first, but i had mentioned it. walter seemed to go out of his way this episode to clarify that she died, but in this show that could honestly be meaningless in about 80 different ways.

just wait till season 5 when every secondary character gets to write and therefore star in their very own episode. astrid could use some more general bulking up, though. it feels like they thought they needed another character, but then they got this far and realized she really isn't necessary after all. maybe just to

"you know… just rubbing our necks together."

while we're remembering that this show was based on books, it's worth noting that the author of those books showed up as the confusingly-placed policedude outside the battered whore's room. if anyone was wondering why that guy who couldn't act was being given shitty lines for no apparent reason while the camera

it would be difficult to explain a walter/william sameness. they were supposed to have "worked together", and i guess that could just be a coverup, but yeah, where're the corporate photos and yearbooks and stuff?

in the crazy house last episode (… right? whenever walter went back there) there was a hand turkey on the wall with six fingers…

this could possibly be a clever comment, but i'm pretty sure the problem is that we have way too many possible third act twists as opposed to none at all. the show has slid into deus ex machina territory before and there's no reason to believe it won't again to get dex out of his problems with nary a scratch; and with

yeah i think someone official said explicitly that t3 and the show are not compatible with one another. or rather, they said that the show shouldn't be considered part of the same continuity as the movies.

Tortilla Tourniquet

According to Jim was picked up for another season…

sorry, i knew i was taking a gamble on that projection. i coulda been a contender.

hey you guys just wrote a 50 cent song

alleys full of racists.

just a forward-thinking individual who is already following too many other TV Club shows for it to be worth his time anyway.

i would put forth that propagating this story does more to advance the decline of western civilization than is normally possible on any given day.

The pseudonym ones (which were co-written with his uncle) are pretty good but more Ludlum than Stephenson.