
"of which we know very little about"? what is this, high school?

Worst RE game: House of the Dead 3.

I will back you up on that one. I've never been huge on horror games, but 6 and especially 4 are so well-designed (if not always consistently designed) that they're a blast regardless. I can see the criticisms that 6 is a little… scattered. But I think it's hugely ambitious and largely succeeds at what it's trying to

Don't forget about the pile of rice: "Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat 2,000 of something."

I guess those 2013 tour dates were on the East Coast… of the Pacific Ocean.

Kenny, this is the second week in a row you've put "between he and _____" in a review. I fear for your grammar (and that of any copyeditors).

"Hey, whyn't you brush your teeth man, stop breathin' in people's faces…"
"You don't brush your teeth in the library, that's… ridiculous…"

Good, cause this movie hopes you don't give a shit about monkeys. They are tasty morsels as far as chimps are concerned.

I would pay for a version of this video with Pinocchio in place of Attractive Female Object #51.

it's kinda sad realizing how standalone that episode actually was—remembering back to it, it doesn't even feel like the same Fringiverse. There have been some useless-ass eps this season.

"Presently Peter sneezed—'Kertyschoo.'"

(I will be in prison for a while for attempted extortion)

was the op suggesting that Sanjaya eat a Kardashian's ass for charity?

don't worry, it's not personal; if you told Fox to produce a biopic of Ghandi, they'd respond with a "reimagining" of his life in the form of the half-hour sitcom "Hunger Spare," about a wacky but well-intentioned (half-)indian man with no accent who runs a bowling alley in a mining company town during the day and at

i can dig that shooting a guy would shock the suicidalness out of him (maybe even awaken an instinctual self-preservation motivation long enough to get people out of danger), but 1) causing people to crumple when their feet are partially off the edge of a building seems like a terrible idea , and 2) when Nick said

and then they DIDn't get him post-Report when they brought the character back. seems pretty cut and dried.

Dave is pretty excellent. On a related note, after Phil Hartman died and NewsRadio brought on Jon Lovitz and Patrick Warburton… it was the last season and some would say it was in its death throes, but I have a soft spot for Lovitz' sycophantic puppy-dogging of Warburton (and Warburton's most excellent facial

I'd like to… meet up with her, get to know her, fall slowly but deeply in love, pop the question, get through the inevitable jitters and existential questions during the engagement, and then get married so that on our honeymoon i can lustily tear off what the Bride Wears.

as for the answer being no and why not just a letter, it seemed to me like the idea was that the liquid metal was perhaps going to assassinate john. she did kill the first thing in front of her, after all. of course, that thing was pointing a gun at her, but that doesn't make it a threat.

yeah i couldn't help but think about the conversation before that episode.