
Steve Rogers for the win!

It was weird that I hadn't noticed the lack of Ward until he was mentioned by May, guess that means something.


If and when you get round to watching Broadchurch series 2, you'll see a lot more of James D'Arcy.

Kang! Kang! Kang!

If this were Gotham, the conversation would continue

Is that a Good Wife joke….. because I don't watch that.

I dunno it just seems so stupid to me. I will stick with the show till the bitter end, because I'm a sad comic book nerd who always expects better.

You're just bitter that Kristen's new boyfriend got to do a riddle this week.

There would have to a change of direction to at least back up the opinion, at least the fall of SHIELD shook things up for AoS.

He is a great detective though, not quite world's best….. yet

I'm still puzzled by what the point (in the writer's head) of Fish gouging her eye out was. DD just gives her a new (perfectly working) eye that's blue instead of brown. I sorry but WTF????

Liking Muppet Christmas Carol totally redeems her in my eyes, I now feel bad for trying to end your marriage.

The Jake sad face callback made me laugh, very funny.

Yeah isn't hobbit a well known enough pop culture reference (pre or post the films).

Wow that's perfect, shame you're not writing on this show.

Yay for the return of the cheerleader, it's nice to know she's still spinning endlessly.

Michaela isn't suddenly realising though, she's been wondering ever since Connor revealed his and Aidan's past 'relationship'.

I was expecting the twist killer to Nate, which would have been a complete WTF. Frank being the 'killer for hire' isn't that much of a shock, but it's an interesting turn of events.

"Just focus on my voice"