
While that would be lame copout, I think I'd be okay with it as Oliver deserves better than being 'tragic gay boyfriend' (which is likely to happen).

Yeah Rhonda was drunk and either didn't care or couldn't think straight. Andre was interested in how long he's lived because he's worried his dad might hang around longer than expected.

It'll be interesting to see how long the show wants to keep Terrence around. Do they kill him off around season 2/3 or have him for the long haul as his ALS becomes more of a thing.

This week's episode was mixed for me. There was a lot of good character stuff, but there didn't seem like there was much 'drama!' (to quote Derek from Happy Endings) bar the gun stuff with Andre at the end.

That's a good idea, probably too clever for ABC

I thought that was one of the stronger pre-Winter Soldier episodes. 100% better than the direct Thor: Dark World tie-in.

Asgard is turning into Chinatown

I'm guessing there were, I think modern day audiences have a tendency to think that non-white/caucasians were invisible pre-civil rights movement.

John Byrne (back when he was still something of note) created the reason that Namor needs to spend a certain about of time in the water, as natural air/oxygen messes with his body's system.

Those Starks, so arrogant and yet so charming.

Namor beats Aquaman hands down

That was my dream job when I was a kid (and slightly older).

I'd recommend both, with maybe slightly more bias towards Winter Soldier.

Fennhoff: “A new opportunity has arisen.” Dottie: “Just since I left the car?”

Poor Frodo, the punching bag of all ring related arguments.

Are we sure that Connor slept with Oilver?

I was impressed with how Jack barged his way through the commuters on the esculator down to the platform at Liverpool Street. That's never easy, especially with stupid tourists standing on the wrong side (stand on the right people!).

Seriously who'd think quoting a Ke$ha song would be a good thing

Totally unrealistic scene from this week's episode. President Heller gets to walk onto Wembley pitch and doesn't try to score an imaginary goal in front of that empty goal.

I realise the above post is borderline sad :)