
How quaint.

My main problem with 'Yesterday's Enterprise' is that the episode is too short. While it may not have needed to be a double episode story, I think there was enough there for a feature-length one.

My issue (for want of a better word) with this thing is that Pegg and Lin seemingly choose Sulu to be gay because George Takei is in real life. Like the thing is done as a semi in joke "Haha Sulu is gay in NuTrek, just like the guy who played him in Prime-Trek."

In an ideal world Wonder Woman would have come this year, either just before or after BvS. Technically you could say it's a spin off, but Diana is the only female character who can genuinely stand on her own.

They kept tripping over stuff and decided "what the heck, let's make something out of this junk."

Howard Stark built it as an attempt to score with the ladies.

I would originally have said that Drop Dead Gorgeous is a glaring omission, but that film came out in 1999.

Anyone who quotes Groundhog Day deserves an upvote.

Scotty-Prime offers same second delivery.

Other than Kirk, Bones and I suppose Spock (though I'm not exactly sure how Pon Farr relates to sexuality), we don't know any of the original crew's sexuality.

Mainly disappointment at his Hulk performance.

Well I for one liked Miss Congeniality, but that's mainly because of Sandra Bullock.

My main problem with the ending was that it was a poor rehash of the first film.

3/7's of the Star Wars are poor-to-average, surely only George Lucas thinks they're good?

He'll always be 'The Biscuit' to me, even when he was in 24 or Agents of Shield.

Yeah I'm not sure many people consider Ghostbusters II a good film. My issues (for want of a better word) with the remake/reboot/whatever have nothing to do with it sullying my childhood.

I wonder if they'll retcon parentage back to Miss America and The Whizzer?


You sound surprised.

At least you get your life back, the rest of us loser are here till the bitter end.