

I suppose it depends on who gets used. The Wrecking Crew and Crusher Creel are normal criminals who Loki gave superpowers to (that guy is so altruistic). With a decent writer you can have a villain who's overwhelmed by gaining superpowers and goes off at the deep end. They don't necessarily have to mirror the heroes.

Hell yes to the Wrecking Crew, especially if they remember that Elliot Franklin is 'the black Bruce Banner'. Thus giving us potentially some gamma radiated fun

Dynasty/Colbys/Dynasty. I'm someone must have made that move during the 80's.

I don't think they were filming at the same time. Also I get the impression Moffat only wanted David back for the 50th. Would it have killed him to talk to Paul (who everyone knows was keen to come back). Unless of course Mr Hurt's appearance completely negates Mr McGann's Who, which I seem speculated on the

Also we Brits loved Dallas and Dynasty, JR's shooting is still one of the top 10 most watched programmes in the UK. We loved the glitz and glamour, just as much as we 'love' the dreary realistic soaps of Eastenders and Coronation Street

How about Jimmy Smits - LA Law, NYPD Blue and The West Wing. Also Patrick Duffy - The Man from Atlantis, Dallas, Step by Step.

Due South was very popular over here in UK, I think BBC maybe have chipped in with production costs.  As of yet there are no deal to show LAC on UK telly, but I'm hopeful that could change.

Due South was very popular over here in UK, I think BBC maybe have chipped in with production costs.  As of yet there are no deal to show LAC on UK telly, but I'm hopeful that could change.

Apples and (Channel) Oranges, one is a rapper and one is R&B singer. The sad double standard is that it's more likely that public would accept an out and proud singer than a gangsta rapper. I'm more than happy for the writers to prove me wrong with whatever plans they have in store :)

Apples and (Channel) Oranges, one is a rapper and one is R&B singer. The sad double standard is that it's more likely that public would accept an out and proud singer than a gangsta rapper. I'm more than happy for the writers to prove me wrong with whatever plans they have in store :)

I think Abby's marriage will be short lived and can see her coming back. Simon will probably stay with his dad, but Beth can then be free to be a teenager and live her life (as well as hanging with her boyfriend Cam)

I think Abby's marriage will be short lived and can see her coming back. Simon will probably stay with his dad, but Beth can then be free to be a teenager and live her life (as well as hanging with her boyfriend Cam)

FYI - lawyer's name is Chris Taylor

FYI - lawyer's name is Chris Taylor