
This was an awesome press release!  Thanks!

I finally put together who this guy was a few years back listening to the Gators-n-Furs shows he did with Chief Chinchilla.  I think he has an awesome ear for production and those shows are fantastic but I have to say I'm not a fan of the albums mentioned.  I can recognize the talent, it just isn't my thing.

I just finished it and he has some work to do in book three to put the pieces in place to make this thing come together without a gigantic 'eh, deus ex machina' shrug. But the setpieces are so freakin good it almost doesn't matter.  The picnic sequence was top notch and how what happened there became its own legend

I just finished it and he has some work to do in book three to put the pieces in place to make this thing come together without a gigantic 'eh, deus ex machina' shrug. But the setpieces are so freakin good it almost doesn't matter.  The picnic sequence was top notch and how what happened there became its own legend

I'm on an old version of IE here at work, so I'm not sure where this reply will land.  In any case, three answers.  First, I hate to pimp the sites I use on here because I feel like people will think I'm spamming so I won't link to it.  Check out My Comic Shop Dot Com, one word.  I checked earlier and they have the

I'm on an old version of IE here at work, so I'm not sure where this reply will land.  In any case, three answers.  First, I hate to pimp the sites I use on here because I feel like people will think I'm spamming so I won't link to it.  Check out My Comic Shop Dot Com, one word.  I checked earlier and they have the

Absolutely agreed.  Speaking of 'not looking for new ideas' another awesome book that ended the same month as WildCATS 3.0 was Stormwatch: Team Achilles.  I haven't read the new Team 7 book, but it sounds like it is really, really close to Team Achilles.  Granted TA ended for supposedly different reasons (Micah Ian

Absolutely agreed.  Speaking of 'not looking for new ideas' another awesome book that ended the same month as WildCATS 3.0 was Stormwatch: Team Achilles.  I haven't read the new Team 7 book, but it sounds like it is really, really close to Team Achilles.  Granted TA ended for supposedly different reasons (Micah Ian

Thank you for the write up. I've been a bit puzzled (and not a little disappointed) by the lack of pub about this issue and the series in general.  I think Scalped is one of the best crime comics ever written and my favorite series over the last decade.  It doesn't get the recognition it deserves because it shits on

Thank you for the write up. I've been a bit puzzled (and not a little disappointed) by the lack of pub about this issue and the series in general.  I think Scalped is one of the best crime comics ever written and my favorite series over the last decade.  It doesn't get the recognition it deserves because it shits on

I think a great place to start and finish with MF Doom is Foodstamp's amazing mix:

I think a great place to start and finish with MF Doom is Foodstamp's amazing mix:

Seriously.  One of the best 1.5 hours ever on television. 
'So…Rowsdower…Is that a…stupid name?'

I think 'too far' is when you can logically work out which character should die in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.  What made this series interesting at all was idea that no one is safe.  Apparently that is now all Kirkman needs to write the story.  I'm all for nihilism, but this stuff isn't even that.  It is post

I think 'too far' is when you can logically work out which character should die in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.  What made this series interesting at all was idea that no one is safe.  Apparently that is now all Kirkman needs to write the story.  I'm all for nihilism, but this stuff isn't even that.  It is post

Two things you said have got my wheels turning a bit.  First is when you talk about how people like Crap Show X for one reason and Quality Show Y for another.  I guess I don't think in those terms and I'm not sure that others do, or they definitely don't do it consciously.  (Not that you are saying it is conscious).

Two things you said have got my wheels turning a bit.  First is when you talk about how people like Crap Show X for one reason and Quality Show Y for another.  I guess I don't think in those terms and I'm not sure that others do, or they definitely don't do it consciously.  (Not that you are saying it is conscious).

It took reading this piece for something to solidify in my mind.  The problem isn't whether or not Smash is good or bad TV, or whether or not you like it or like it 'ironically' or any of those things.  Your confusion about 'hate-watching' and the rest of this bullshit is an intersection of you feeling bad about

It took reading this piece for something to solidify in my mind.  The problem isn't whether or not Smash is good or bad TV, or whether or not you like it or like it 'ironically' or any of those things.  Your confusion about 'hate-watching' and the rest of this bullshit is an intersection of you feeling bad about

'I don't fuck with these industry cats/I keep it breezy/that way if I have to clap one of these clowns, it's easy.'