
"If all that thuggery comes across as a little silly from a man his age, it was a little silly the first time around, too."

I drag this corpse out every time there is a discussion of Ender's Game and/or OSC:

'I watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic'
Incorrect context:
The complexities of pirating subscription television.

I think we agree on mostly everything and I'm not prone to retorts on the internet anymore but I think your example is a bit skewed.  I think HBO wants us to believe your example is the way it works.  The way it is actually working is those cantaloupes are in a store that it costs $100 a month to walk into.  If you

I think this speaks to a couple of things that Todd glossed over. First and foremost, the price to watch GoT legally is roughly $100 a month.  Sure you get other 'quality programming' but there is no way to get the content legally for less than that.  Also, while people are undoubtedly subscribing specifically for HBO

1000 times yes. 

I'm gonna put on my Old Man jacket here and ask: for all the folks that don't put 'Do You Want More?!?!??!? in their top five Roots albums, were you listening to music at that time, or too young? I'm not talking smack at all, I just can't fathom how that doesn't even make a top five ROOTS list unless you were born in

Damn, I couldn't disagree more.  There hasn't been any Five Mic classics, but there was a ton of great stuff put out.  Random Axe, Apathy, Thurz, Evidence, Royce, Immortal Technique and Smif-N-Wessun put out solid albums this year. 

I think that every one of Pitchforks reviews make a lot more sense if you imagine that whomever writing it believes that EVERYONE is REALLY EXCITED to read what they have to say.  That is pretty annoying to me.  As Nice Dolphin said above, MBDTF is where I stopped reading them regularly.  I think my biggest complaint

Worst. Zodiac_MF. Knock off. Ever.

I'm probably showing my age here, but I remember reading the review of Canibus '2000 B.C' in the print edition on the train back in 2000 and thinking 'I don't think anyone else even bothered to notice this album came out.'

Woops, lost that comment. Try this again.

I'm sure no one cares at this point
But I have to say, I think this is the last review I'll check for from Nathan. I dunno if it is because he slogged through umpteen volumes of NTWICM and the letter grade is relative to that stuff, or maybe Nathan just isn't listening to as much hip hop in general anymore but damn.

My favorite part
Is trying to work up empathy for a character after dying 20 times in the first five minutes.

It took that long for someone to mention Ogami Itto? Jesus Harold Christ. He turned a baby cart into a DEATH MACHINE, kills ninjas by the score and has the highest on-screen body count of any character in film history. Recognize, chumps.

ZMFs District 9 comment above needs its own 30 second Great Moments in Ownage montage.

Holland is right on the money: Sleeper is one of my favorite series of all time. I was kind of steeped in the whole WildCATS thing for a while though and it plays off that at times, but man is it great.

These films were killed by traileritis
Seriously. If you have any interest in these films do NOT watch the trailers. When I finally got these on netflix I thought I was watching the wrong films.

He already talked about this and dismissed it…
..or so I thought. His label asked him to change his name a while back and he said no, and retorted that there is a band called The Killers much bigger than Killer Mike.