
I'd like to see a Pen & Pixel style Tiger Woods album cover with models, and Mercedes and diamonds and shit. Then in the corner, his dead dad saying "Get money mothafucka!!"

Alright Pauline Kael, thanks for the interpretation.

Everybody's an asshole. We're like opinions or something.

Genesis does what Nintendon't.

That's why they call it the Palisades

That's a fuckload of profanity, Fuck.

Nudity aside? NUDITY ASIDE?????

I think the trailer was the meme.

See: Disco Dolls in Hot Skin

I went and saw How to Train Your Dragon in one of those fake AMC IMAX theatres (it was the only showing in 3D on Saturday night), the tickets were 16 fucking dollars a piece. We still paid because we were high as shit, but 16 motherfucking dollars is motherfucking absurd.

That's Forrest Whitaker?
Has anyone actually seen Battlefield Earth? Does Forrest Whitaker do his usual looking-confused routine?

Yeah, I think I'd be kind of fucking offended if I was the guy who wrote Cop OUt, or a Couple of Dicks, or whatever it was originally called (something makes me think that Smith's whole motivation for making the movie was because it was called a Couple of Dicks, and it might've even been his idea to begin). Also, I

Did Kevin Smith go into making this thinking he's just making some "retarted" movie? That makes it seem like he didn't hold the initial script in very high regard. Somebody out there, given the same budget and cast, could've come up with an amazing film. Just because you can make movies doesn't mean you necessarily

This makes me want to kill myself.
But more so it makes me want to kill Key$ha.


What you pissed off cuz your dad gets more pussy than you? Fuck you. Suck my fuckin' dick.

That album cover is awful. It reminds me of the Jay-Z/R.Kelly album cover that was half-assedly thrown together after Kelly was caught peeing on the young lady (http://goo.gl/FMo0) - that's a link to the album cover, not a picture of R.Kelly peeing on the young lady. It's a shame because Ludacris usually has pretty

Is it because they all look alike?

Mo'nique talking about this award not being about politics and campaigning was the most ridiculous thing she said because I think saying you're not going to campaign for the award and then making a big deal out of not shaving your legs and how you're "just an actress trying to do work" is just another form of