
Starfield the Screensaver: The Movie in IMAX 3D

"that's because the film was targeted towards them"

I just hope the Oscar does for Mo'nique what it did for Halle Berry, Jamie Foxx, and Cuba Gooding Jr. Which is, effectively derailing her career so we don't have to see her anymore. What an obnoxious, self-important douchebag she is.

That bit's on Midlife Vices. And Giraldo roasting Flavor Flav is one of the funniest goddamn things I've ever seen. "You look like Idi Amin after a three-year crack binge on the sun"

He should've got an Oscar for The Wrestler. At least a nod

Same commute…
Greg Giraldo's new(ish) album Midlife Vices is absolutely fucking hilarious. As are all Todd Barry's albums, and Aziz Ansari's album as well. Martin Lawrence talking about douche ("squaw-squash, squaw-squash!") on Talkin' Shit always cracks me up.

I didn't know Cuba Gooding Jr was in a band.

That's Lil Wayne you buffoon!

There's Vince Vaughn.

Avatar Begins

That burned schlong is going to follow him wherever he goes.

If Bald Travolta didn't gave that groaty minge of a goatee he would look like a circumcised penis.

Being baked is more essential to Avatar than 3D glasses. Well, up until the weed wears off about an hour and a half into it and you feel like pausing it to roll another spliff.

I believe I would pay to see that movie.

Nick Nolte is the fucking man.
That's all, I don't really have anything reasonable to discuss.

Step 14: You douchebags forgot Step 11

Being on Chappelle's Show shouldn't be a reason people give for how "cool" and "down to earth" John Mayer is. I'm sure there's a million douchebags out there that would've jumped at the chance to be on that show.

Russell Crowe FTW!

I nominate Steve Buscemi for the role of MJ then.

I wonder how many twilight nerds bought this album.